8 forms of contact dinocave

The platoon can exfiltrate by air, water, or land. Indirect fire can also provide concealment, with smoke used alone or mixed with suppressive fires. This publication provides the basic information necessary to understand Army . These techniques are applicable either mounted or dismounted. He then employs specific reconnaissance methods and movement techniques to either avoid the danger areas or move through them as quickly as possible and with as much security as possible. This equipment has greater optics resolution, which allows the leader to read his map and terrain association during mounted movement in limited visibility. The enemy situation as he knows or suspects it to be. Phase III Phase begins with: Enemy Activity: Location of Adjacent Units: Key Tasks: Leaders Recon Purpose: GOTWA: Engagement Criteria: Emplacement and Occupation of: Security - SBF - Assault - Expected Forms of Contact (DINOCAVE): Actions on Contact: (based on ENY Analysis / DINOCAVE) Recon-ORP-Targets by Phase: Casualty Collection Points . (3) Pickup Points. (5) Coil Formation. If the open area is very large, the overwatch element should only remain stationary until the bounding element has moved a distance equal to half the effective range of the overwatching element's weapon system. However, navigation, consolidation, and command and control are more difficult. (b) If the commander and the S2 have anticipated the enemy situation the reconnaissance platoon is reporting, they will already have addressed the contingency in the OPORD and given guidance to their subordinates on what COA the platoon should execute. In addition, it must avoid becoming vehicle-bound; it must be prepared to dismount to improve observation, prevent enemy detection, and provide security. A good technique is to plot the waypoints to coincide with other graphic control measures such as checkpoints and rally points or significant terrain features. For example, the reconnaissance platoon leader must anticipate contingency measures in case his elements must conduct an unplanned exfiltration during a reconnaissance operation. Leaders must develop plans for extraction by applicable means (ground or air) before the operation, to include procedural contingencies such as the destruction of the RVs, evacuation of sick and wounded personnel, and disruption of communications. Leaders at echelons from platoon through company conduct actions on contact when they, or a subordinate element, recognize one of the forms of contact or receive a report of enemy contact. Once the platoon leader has enough information to make a decision, he selects a COA that is within the capabilities of the platoon, that allows the platoon to continue the reconnaissance as quickly as possible, and that supports the commander's concept of the operation. Maintain contact to support an attack on an inferior force. Leaders must focus information-gathering assets (GSR, TUAVs, human intelligence [HUMINT], and RSTA) to provide detailed enemy locations and intentions. This technique allows for an absolute minimum of radio transmissions, positive control by the section leader, and maximum security within the section. For example, reconnaissance forces that have infiltrated or bypassed the enemy-occupied area may need to exfiltrate as soon as they gather the required information. (3) During movement through a wooded area, the platoon should move using traveling overwatch. What is a NGB 590? The objective is to determine exactly what the enemy situation is by dismounted reconnaissance or other reconnaissance assets and systems (ground surveillance radar, tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, and long-range reconnaissance and surveillance). Primary Menu. Preparing and coordinating fire support for the friendly attack. Infiltration is a form of maneuver that entails movement by small groups or individuals, at extended or irregular intervals, through or into an area occupied by an enemy or friendly force, while avoiding contact with the enemy. They are organized using the four-step process. The reconnaissance platoon employs movement techniques for a number of reasons (to minimize exposure, maintain freedom of movement, maximize available tactical options, and react effectively to contact). (2) During mounted movement, leaders use their commander's tactical display (CTD) to monitor the company, platoon, and sections. It is used when speed is important and enemy contact is not likely. Dissociating: the Dinocave registered: Mar 9, 2022. smoke HanSolo98, May 5, 2021 # 1182 game. Traveling, which is usually employed in secured areas, is used equally at the section and platoon levels. These platoon members should report the enemy contact to the overwatching vehicles and to the platoon leader. In such a case, the reconnaissance platoon leader can evaluate the situation, choose a COA consistent with his higher commander's intent or concept, and execute it without further guidance. (f) Establish a Hasty Defense. The leader is then able to plan for contact and determine how to employ TTP, such as the proper movement techniques, to reduce the occurrence of chance contact. Each infiltrating element must develop and rehearse a plan that clearly defines its actions in case of contact with enemy security forces. Fill out this form to tell us about a new person in the home. Figure 3-7. (Refer to Chapter 6 of this manual for specific information on the urban environment.). The exfiltration plan and OPORD must address these factors. When using this technique, the platoon could be in a column formation or dispersed in its other formations (Figure 3-9). By knowing these details ahead of time, the platoon leader can develop the situation more rapidly and arrive at and execute the desired COA. Locating and preparing to occupy base of fire positions, if required. The platoon must use them in conjunction with other movement- and security-related measures. Rarely are there enough lanes for each group to have a separate one. As more than one section or team becomes involved in the situation, the platoon leader or PSG (whoever is in the best location to do so) takes control of coordinating their efforts. The platoon can also use indirect fires to degrade the enemy's acquisition and observation capabilities by forcing him to seek cover. Leaders and soldiers must remain proficient in using basic land navigation and terrain orientation skills. (a) If undetected by the enemy and time is available, the section or team reconnoiters the enemy position, emphasizing stealth, dismounted reconnaissance, and use of assets such as GSR and TUAVs, if available. Evaluate and develop the situation 3. However, troops must approach and move through them with extreme caution. (4) Move-Set Technique. Deploy and report 2. Compared to mounted operations, dismounted movement techniques and formations require as muchor moredetail during the planning phase. lewisham mobile testing unit 8 forms of contact dinocave. c. Urban Areas. (b) The leader must allow adequate time for each group to reach the rally point. If necessary, the reconnaissance platoon can attack unarmored reconnaissance vehicles, such as motorcycles or Soviet-style wheeled reconnaissance vehicles (BRDMs) (Figure 3-17). Bounding overwatch can be executed using one of the following bounding methods. Should the platoon become decisively engaged, it must have a plan on how to break contact with the enemy. (c) The leader must designate an alternate rally point to use if the primary rally point is occupied by the enemy, is compromised, or is found to be unsuitable. To accomplish a specific task, the reconnaissance platoon itself may need to infiltrate areas occupied by enemy forces. The reconnaissance platoon is not manned or equipped to conduct detailed reconnaissance of urban areas. As an example, a two-vehicle section may use bounding overwatch (Figure 3-12). DINO CAVE (Contacts) Direct. The lead vehicle and the overwatch element occupy positions that allow them to observe the destroyed vehicle. The unit that moves first keeps its weapon systems oriented on the enemy. Digital maps and overlays provide the platoon with a common operating picture of the terrain and operational graphics. What are the 8 forms of contact Army? He keeps the commander informed of what he is doing as he executes the COA. What type of reconnaissance is patrol? What are basic infantry tactics? This COA is appropriate when an enemy force, based on its current disposition, is not in a position to influence the platoon's higher commander. The decision of which technique to use is based in large part on the likelihood of enemy contact; in general, this can be summarized as whether contact is not likely (traveling), possible (traveling overwatch), or expected (bounding overwatch). This information allows the platoon leader to disperse his unit during movement. This report is quickly followed by an initial spot report. Figure 3-6. (1) Movement Considerations. As soon as the lead vehicle is in a covered and concealed position, the overwatch vehicle moves to an alternate firing position and occupies a hide position while trying to maintain contact with the smallest possible element. Granted, barefoot running on manmade surfaces might be devastatingtofeet:people,\underline{\mathrm{devastating \ to \ feet: \ people,}}devastatingtofeet:people, after all, didn't spend 100,000 years adapting to run on blacktop and pavement. 8 forms of contact dinocave. Applications with education from outside the U.S. and applications that do not contain sufficient detail usually require a lengthier review process. Whether the platoon plans to exfiltrate on foot, by RV, or by air, it must conduct detailed planning to establish criteria for a passage of lines to minimize the chances of fratricide. Simultaneously, the lead element returns fire, sends a contact report, employs smoke grenades, and moves to the nearest hide position. Platoon and section leaders and VCs use position updates from their navigation systems and analog information to assist in following their planned routes. The section leader must continue to use route planning, mechanical navigational aids, visual observation of terrain features, and manual techniques to ensure that the sections are in proper position. The platoon leader ensures that primary and alternate linkup points are not on a single azimuth leading away from the OP or exfiltration route. The system features layered overlays that allow leaders to selectively post overlays based on the tactical situation. Open Areas. During the execution of reconnaissance and security missions, the reconnaissance platoon will encounter specific types of terrain or features that expose it to enemy fire. He continues to inform his commander of the enemy situation and the platoon's actions. Contact with obstacles of enemy or unknown origin. Rally points may be in either enemy or friendly areas, depending on the situation. What are the 8 forms of army contact? The platoon should also develop SOPs for limited visibility marking to aid in command and control at night. The reconnaissance platoon should develop a coil SOP based on its mission-essential task list (METL), war plans, and most frequently used organizations. If this occurs, the platoon leader must decide whether to commit additional platoon assets to the contact to develop it further or to adopt a COA based on the information he has discovered to that point. (1) The ideal way for the platoon to make contact is by means of FBCB2 reports from sensor elements (such as tactical unmanned aerial vehicles [TUAVs], ground surveillance radar [GSR], or other intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance [ISR] assets). In another instance, the platoon may deploy in a stay-behind mode during defensive operations, requiring it to plan and execute movement to return to friendly controlled areas. The software should not limit the platoon leader's planning and use of control measures and operational graphics. If you need more space to answer the questions, attach another sheet of paper. (3) Column Formation. c. Maps. a. Navigation. The OPORD must clearly state whether the element will continue the mission or return to friendly lines if detected by the enemy. See answer (1) Best Answer. The platoon leader or PSG relays the contact report to the battalion tactical operations center and or the tactical command post (TAC CP), followed as soon as possible by a spot report and updates. While attempting to develop the situation, the section or team may find that it cannot determine the exact enemy situation for a number of possible reasons to include obstacles, combat losses, suppressive fires by the enemy, or the size and extent of the enemy position. (2) Terrain Factors. Coordination must include CSS activities, integration of communications, fires, passage lanes, C2, and battle handover. In most cases, the reconnaissance platoon can not or should not mass its combat power to defeat an enemy force. The overwatch vehicle engages the source of enemy fire by calling for indirect fire support, then monitors to ensure the contact report is sent. d. Control Measures. It is essential that the section or team left in contact understands what it needs to accomplish, who will execute the attack, and when the friendly unit anticipates being in position to receive handoff of the enemy. To do this, they use information from the battalion S2, sensor reports on the FBCB2, and information collected by dismounted patrols. Traveling is the fastest but least secure movement technique. Thus, some groups must share a lane with one or more groups while others do not. The battalion commander determines if the battalion moves along single or multiple infiltration lanes with forces in the infiltration lanes separated by space and time. Infiltration plans always cover employment of indirect fires although the platoon uses them only in limited circumstances. (4) The platoon may encounter small clearings, buildings, or hills while moving through a wooded area. (2) To maintain surveillance, the platoon can use OPs to maximize the reconnaissance effort forward. Ask an Expert. Dismounted bounding overwatch. Study MCCC Company Phase Exam flashcards. Whenever possible, the reconnaissance platoon should reconnoiter urban areas from a distance, execute hand-off to follow-on elements, and bypass if possible. (5) Before leaving a wooded area, the platoon must clear the open area to the front. This can best be done by moving to the enemy's flank or rear. When operating out of normal communications range, an infiltrating element that must transmit required information should move to high ground or set up a long-range expedient antenna. All groups rehearse this procedure since no one knows which group will arrive first. Choose COA Characteristics of the Offense (SCAT) Surprise Concentration Audacity Tempo. Do not rely totally on technology. The rear vehicles provide overwatch and command and control (Figure 3-4).

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8 forms of contact dinocave