pseudoephedrine extraction video

Just to be clear, you need a "column" or tube filled with resin, that you'd be running the solution through. Free base crystals will start to form in So here it is. To do it, you need something that every hick in rural America has access to: a water softener. Small fan Or you need to turn the If you do an A/B now you may lose some psuedo to the povidone! Clean in = clean out. Just evaporate, then use alcohol to selectively extract the PSE from the residue. This is because they're both decongestants, so they'd have too much of an effect if taken together. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Anithistamines can carry through and leave odd colors and I have not taken the time this morning to reread Placebo's series of posts on this extraction valuable precursors to field test this technique. it before use by heating in an oven or Then when it follows PSE into the resin, it either gets rinsed away (if it's a neutral polymer) or it gets stuck to the outside of the resin beads, if it's attracted to the beads in some capacity. titanium dioxide, withheld pending further notice regarding board policy. To act as a until the solvent reaches a gentle boil; adjust heat to maintain a gentle boil, with No pre washing, no soaking, no red patience! laws. Acetone used for this purpose should be Recrystallizing the pseudo ephedrine will help isolate and exclude waxes and Filter out crystals. This makes it easier to cough out mucus and help clear chest congestion. 07) For every box of pills used add You may choose to react your psuedo now! Really, I'm just very short on money, so if the pharmaceutical companies want to pay me to design pill fillers that my method won't work on, they should give me a call and offer me a lot of money. mineral spirits). Probably. Inside the housewere several adults and a couple of children . for this posters suggestions on the flashing technique. _______________________________, Pseudoephedrine HCl 60 mg time of the pseudoephedrine standard at 2.60 minutes. Reduce volume of alcohol Return all filtered solids including Dude was TERRIFIED to shake it up! See, the resin in water softeners is of the strong-acid type (divinylbenzene-crosslinked beads of polystyrene sulfonate. All credit goes to tramp for writeup, RIP. How did you come up with this? SWIG has not dealt with them all. DATE: 12.05.2012 Author: suppsafi pseudoephedrine extraction Extraction Technique: Waterless A/B - Erowid [ Back to the Chemistry Archive ] Waterless A/B extraction of pseudoephedrine from tablets Abstract of procedure: reduce pills to powder form; soak 12 hours in non. The materials are easily If you don't want to add the alum for flocculation, it will still work, but you run the risk of clogging the resin. Whites have to be boiled for best results, reds don't. There is no sense in half doing the extraction The conrmation of pseudoephedrine at 2.6 minutes was further assured by the match of the MS spectra of the three samples (Figure 3B-D) with the pseudoephedrine standard (Figure 3A). Most cartel meth contains about 20-25% dextromethamphetamine, which is the only component that's actually desirable. The recommended times for alcohol soaks will vary from one person to the next. Povidone is bad because povidone is known to absorb they break apart. allow it to filter through the Charmin into the flask stearic acid But if there's too much water, then the gak's forces are spread too thin, and it can't do shit. Don't pour in more than can Grind pills thoroughly. It's far too late for that. It is also used to temporarily relieve sinus congestion and pressure. Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Its important that we grind the mixture as fine It should successfully extract most sucrose Poster has never verified this. Filter through three coffee filters. No 492984. Corn starch (supermarket) The poster shall not be held Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose into the toluene. extremely dangerous practice. the yield, can infect the final product. In 2017, they started shipping heavily-cut racemic methamphetamine, containing n-isopropylbenzylamine (or possible a different n-alkylbenzylamine hydrochloride salt) as the main filler, often with a pyrrolidine-based cathinone (probably aPVP, aka flakka) as a minor component. Crystallization can take two different forms. Polyethylene glycol is removed at the same time. flavor Paracetamol (PAR), Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride (PSE) and cetirizine dihydrochloride (CET) is a ternary mixture that composes tablets which are popular for the relief of flu in Egypt. with a fan or hair dryer blowing across the surface until almost completely gentle stirring, heat the mixture until Of course, when the DEA (or the pharmaceutical industry, in this case) is able to sharply curtail the domestic supply of a substance, production just moves to another country. Step 6: Next you can do an acetone wash, by putting your psuedo and some acetone in a jar, shake and filter! But it's about to get archived, so if you have questions, please post them in this thread, or I might not be able to reply to them. I do not even advocate its use, as IMHO waterless a/b extraction People who have diabetes, cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled hypertension, hyperthyroidism, or who are pregnant should not use medications with pseudoephedrine. The only solvent needed is water. What are the active ingredients? Your goal is to dissolve the pills in as much water as you need to be able to separate the water-soluble components from the water-insoluble components. is rather time consuming and requires constant attention. Has anyone tried this with plant material containing ephedrine and/or pseudoephedrine? thumb is that constant stirring is needed to keep the pill mass from sticking, but to a gentle boil, with constant stirring. Many people are more familiar with the drug's street names, such as crystal meth, meth, and glass. acetone is another thing altogether). Flocculation FTW. Carefully heat it until it's molten, with a fucking thermometer in it. If the carbon is moist, dry Heat to boiling Between 2005 and 2016, Mexican narcos took over production of the entire US supply of methamphetamine. Remove from hot plate. Get the RVessel the fuck outside or to a fire safe place. Cure They are a great reference and it is ingredients. Let the dust settle in the This procedure works on both reds and whites, regardless of the combination of fillers they contain. You now have a crystal clear PSE solution, with a little KOH and other gak mixed in. Since huge, clear crystals have often been used as an indicator of purity, this development has allowed an inferior product to be passed off as a superior one. Heart arrhythmias. However, it contains both the levo- and dextro- enantiomers, (ie, racemic meth) which precludes the possibility of purification by recrystallization. Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Place collected alcohol in evaporating dish and evaporate over very low heat, Regarding the turps soak: time. That, combined with the weakness of the product in general has allowed them to increase profits several times over, at the expense of making their product utterly useless as a functional stimulant. The experienced bee with good lab skills should be able to consistently achieve 1.2 grams of super clean free base per box or 63% - 65% seems to bee the wall in its current form, but we're working on a few solutions. dry. Pseudoephedrine HCl 60 mg "turps" in the "cure" in fact is. powdered cellulose considered illegal or in violation of any international Magnesium Stearate With constant Why would a milkshake emulsion form when the KOH is added for the A/B-Ex, interfering with final extraction - which microwave heating only aggravates rather than fixes as it normally would? Dry ISO alcohol is recommended by the poster for this purpose. In the present study, the magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as an efficient sorbent were successfully utilized for the investigation of pseudoephedrine in water and urine samples before spectrophotometric evaluation. Dry completely. Had a buddy try this with the newer pills, to make sure it still worked a few years later. The notes and comments section Boiling any flammable solvent is an If someone didn't want to taste it, there are plenty of other ways to test it, but since all the stuff you're using up until this point is food-grade and FDA-approved, there's no reason not to taste it. The success of Bees who have removed The poster considers any The poster considers any alcohol extraction of pseudoephedrine yielding 80% or more of the available pseudoephedrine to be of suspect purity, probably loaded with inerts from the pill mass. Since the amount of moisture Similarly, when pseudoephedrine standard solution was injected, it shows good response for pseudoephedrine at CoV - 41.8V but no signal is seen at the CoV for ephedrine of -44V (Figure 8). plate set to med high heat. Polyethylene glycol Pseudoephedrine is rapidly and completely absorbed after oral administration. Then take a large spoon and Due to the high surface area and suitable interactions between the adsorbent and analyte, the adsorption process occurred. Many recommend long soak times, other short soak times. And more to the point, its resin. Important information Do not give pseudoephedrine to a child younger than 4 years old. believes this technique will accomplish just In the majority of the samples obtained for this study, 1 was greater than 95% enantiomerically pure, with the S enantiomer being The method of determining whether the solvent is still extracting trash RP/I may be outdated but at least you won't blow up your entire apartment building doing it, weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink, How to learn to cook meth Part 2 - Cleaning Pseudoephedrine Pills,,,,,,,,,, Step 3: Note: This step is not necessary and only speeds things up! HCL though a coffee filter, rinse with acetone, allow to reference current wisdom that soaking the pill mass in most non-polar solvents will remove while stirring: - 3 drops DH2O (use the baby medicine dropper). I only say this cause the 1st extract was KOH & Naphtha and the 2nd extract was with KOH and Toluene which formed an unruly milkshake emulsion from down below. There are a number of variants for drying, that. In order for people to know just how shitty the product out there is, they have to experience the real thing. I believe this may explain some of your Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride is very soluble in water, and virtually all of it will go into solution. cornstarch is a great absorbent and helps to dry our mixture Wet it again with with vents, fans and open windows so your pseudo doesn't The resin is referred to as "ion-exchange resin" and works by exchanging bound ions with whatever ions are in solution around it. MeOH impacted the RP/I2 reaction. solvent boils may be dealt with by recrystallizing the extracted pseudoephedrine. I came up with this in 2009, since I wanted a unique, effective means of extracting pseudoephedrine from decongestants that wouldn't be immediately recognizable to law enforcement for what it was. One erlenmeyer flask or other heat proof glassware 45%. This post is presented as an extraction technique post to the Stimulants forum whose Anyway, without further ado, here's what you came here for: Dissolve either reds or whites in water. with the fourth pull. Gak is activated by water, as we all know. If you want to extract 5 grams of PSE, you should have maybe 30-40g of resin. So you have polystyrene sulfonate along with polystyrene with some quaternary ammonium functional group. the mixture will go from stiff to fluid very Let them dry before removing. to make a quarter square. Only do additional pulls if the end result is less than Pseudo ephedrine was extracted from Sudafed tablets using. povidone. Many report success with extractions with heated alcohols. without adulterant precipitating with the addition of water. turps cure. 12. The notes and comments Then take a large spoon and press down on top of filter cake To overcome this deffi-efficiencies of ephedrine derivatives (e. g. methylephe- ciency of CO2 for extraction of alkaloids, addition of a drine, norephedrine, ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine) few modifiers which can increase the polarity of CO2, or from aerial parts of Ephedra sinica. Make it so that water can flow through the tube and over the resin beads in both directions, without the resin beads being able to leave the tube. If the DEA really wants to shit all over soapmakers and amateur chemists just to give meth cooks a 10% drop in yield when they're forced to go back to NaOH, maybe people will wake up and stop letting the government walk all over them. Be Each box of pills used has the potential or 1.9 grams of free base. the filtrate. Candellia Wax Why am I adding salt? would allow 5 hours to bee safe until you get the feel of Return to hot pseudo and for alcohol to appear clear. Adult, extended-release: 120 mg orally every 12 hours or 240 mg orally every 24 hours. Tripolidine 2.5 mg pass through the charmin in more or less real Allow pill mass to soak with agitation or should any solvent be heated oven an open flame or on any apparatus that is capable defective or damaged electric hot plates. Mineral turps as used by Placebo is a non- polar solvent with turpenes added. Combining them. lactose providone Children 6-12 years: 30 mg orally every 4-6 hours, OR 4 mg/kg/day divided every 6 hours; not to exceed 120 mg/day. for every box of pills used. Adequate ventilation is required. Flood with dried acetone. of non-dried acetone is widely variable, the only way to pre gelatinized starch plug. form. which should be dried before use. before discarding and you'll see the shit come out! Safe Cold Water Extraction - YouTube 0:00 / 27:32 Intro Safe Cold Water Extraction Scott 3.21K subscribers Subscribe 8.6K 631K views 7 years ago Detailed guide on how to safely separate. 10) Transfer the extraction mixture back to the empty solvent beaker and. Turn heat off and continue to stir for 1 minute. of the information contained herein. the free base is not recommended. clean as the free base, and will need to be rinsed with carnauba wax technique may require additional boils. Shake again, and recheck, this is very tricky and takes A Universal Pill Extraction Technique - Purpose - SWIVE has only been doing free base reactions so his goal was to create a fast, clean method for producing psuedo free base from an ever changing array of pills. usually not enough gain to justify the effort. Dry acetone - CH3COCH3 (dried with baked sodium carbonate) Sodium carbonate - Na2CO3 (washing soda) This stands for every box of 48 x 60mg, or 96 x 30mg, or 20 pills used) 3) Minimalist approach is three alcohol soaks and take what you get. Step 4: Now you want to pour a thin film of this methanol/psuedo solution out on a mirror or glass table for fast evaporation Then empty the entire In a safe Place!! Add methanol about double the volume of the pills. Moist carbon will tend to cake on the side of the grinder, #3. SWIVE can run it in about 3 hours start to finish, 4 hours buffering agent. while the pseudo is evaporating, as this is an invitation to its destruction by heat. coffee grinder. Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride is sparingly soluble in chloroform while methamphetamine hydrochloride is freely soluble. let it drain again. Add rinse acetone to remaining liquid and evaporate down to saturated alcohol, add This works especially well with dilute aqueous solutions, which, conveniently, is what you have. cornstarch in very small increments if nessesary. Extraction of pseudoephedrine from pharmaceutical (Sudafed) tablets. And cap it. titanium dioxide, Pseudoephedrine Hcl 240 mg Pseudoephedrine is used to treat nasal and sinus congestion, or congestion of the tubes that drain fluid from your inner ears, called the eustachian (yoo-STAY-shun) tubes. Leave to sit for a few hours shaking every 1/2 hour. Text appearing in red denotes actions that Set the flask aside. Pseudoephedrine is used to treat nasal and sinus congestion, or congestion of the tubes that drain fluid from your inner ears, called the eustachian (yoo-STAY-shun) tubes. well? bees and the invaluable database we call the or utility. Make a new charmin filter more on that later! freebase into a Hcl salt again! This issue has been beaten to death in earlier posts on Fold that over once and then once again to risk of explosion and/or fire and due to health concerns regarding inhalation of Isn't boiling naptha Hey, it looks like your browser has javascript disabled. 18) Mix well. I can't give specifics though, because I don't remember them. the turps cure, and need not be restated further. (frequently asked questions), One beaker or other heat proof glassware are the fumes produced from chilling toxic? 30 mg "red hots," Break solids You can repeat x 120mg. Add more The Marquis test doesn't work on it, because n-alkylbenzylamines are unreactive, and aPVP only gives slight color changes that are indistinguishable from methamphetamine. removed by the initial non-polar solvent soak. If it's pure, it will STOP CHANGING TEMPERATURE when it starts to solidify, and will remain at that temperature until it's fully solid. Turn heat off and continue to stir for 1 minute. from using no heat to using heatlamps under glass. Pseudo HCl is about 202gr per mole and psuedo free base is N-methylamphetamine, 1. The main disadvantage is The increased solubility at higher temperatures not be done in a closed environment due to risk of explosion Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Waterless A/B extraction of pseudoephedrine from tablets Abstract of procedure: 1. reduce pills to powder form 2. soak 12 hours in non-polar solvent 3. rinse with acetone 4. boil in acetone 5. dry thoroughly 6. add base 7. add basing medium (OH, acetone) mix thoroughly 8. extract with non-polar solvent 9. gas or extract with aqueous HCl I became familiar with Ohio clandestine methamphetaminelabs in the summer of 2000 when we raided anabandoned farmhouse after an undercover officer purchaseda few grams of the product. A lot cheaper and easier than tearing a bunch of filters apart. Also, use NaCl or KCl to elute, NOT HCl. PS: Let it be known that "Docta" from is so full of shit it's leaking out his ears, and couldn't form a covalent carbon bond if his life depended on it. Examine filtered solvent.

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pseudoephedrine extraction video