valentine's day meditation script

Total Well-being Teacher and Coaching Certification. This helps reinforce the intentions expressed in the phrases. Notice how different the answer or answers are, as opposed to when youre answering with your head. Create a comfortable Zen space for yourself, perhaps with low-level background music and set your air diffuser with your favourite scent. All of the little things you do for me, body and mind, to keep all of my finely-tuned involuntary systems humming along keeping me alive so that I can stop and smell the roses and share a smile with that lovely child holding his Mothers hand? "You're never one to rage against the rules, but today you're feeling like shaking things up," Stardust says. Living with an inner smile is to live in harmony with yourself. The smiling energy emanating from Mantak Chia was reminiscent of enlightened souls such as the Dalai Lama. Sign up (or log in) below technical assistance: Love of all kinds. A readers theatre script for Valentine's Day. Your email address will not be published. The Deep Breathing Lesson Plan is all you need for peace and calm at home and in the classroom. The divine revelation, of course, is that we are divine. May you celebrate love not only this one day but throughout the year. Welcome to elephant's ecosystem. Recognize that stress, struggle, and experiences of suffering are part of life that link you in your humanity but don't have to overwhelm you. Trust me - your girlfriend will love it! Start a group discussion, and brainstorm some ideas together. Confidence shot replicates this pattern with special brainwave sounds that will help you become confident and self-assured in your decisions. One recites specific words and phrases evoking a "boundless warm-hearted feeling." I discovered that when doing Zentangle or tangling, it is important to remember two things which are also metaphors for life: there are no mistakes and anything is possible one stroke at a time. The Sanskrit name for the heart chakra is Anahata, meaning unhurt or unstuck. This is an area where physical and spiritual meet, balancing the world of matter with the world of spirit. Sometimes you'll find your kids completely engaged all the way to the end and other times, well, not so much. Sample script for emcee in valentine s day party. If smiling feels so good why dont we do it more? We stand open-eyed, open-armed, open-hearted, and open-willed to accept itfor ourselves, from ourselves, with ourselves. by Julie Peters. What is the reason that you forget to love yourself your confidence try to forget about it try to reset what you think, you know, and start again from scratch. Download Valentine Fonts. Starting as an inner hug it spreads to soften the whole body, melting malevolent energy to emerge from benevolent eyes and lips. And you cannot live your most fulfilling life without opening your heart to connection with yourself and others. And, you can easily add it to a tree theme, seed theme, or flower theme in the springtime. We check ourselves into a nice hotel downtown, the Spokane Club, which began its life in 1890 as a historic "gentlemen's club." To practice loving-kindness meditation, sit in a comfortable and relaxed manner. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else. Your investment will help Elephant Journal invest in our editors and writers who promote your values to create the change you want to see in your world! , gather the tools you need: the 3.5 square high-quality paper, a pencil and black ink pen (research your choices online or ask at the office or art supply store of your choice). You may hold my hand for awhile, but you hold my heart forever. Learn more. It allows us to relax, take a deep breath, and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It has been used in ceremonies like Rosh Hosanna, where observing the cadence of tangling projected on a screen helped people stay focused and cleared their minds for the message of the service. The Cellular Smile Ensure uninterrupted time for yourself (silence your cell phone) and choose a beverage for sipping. When we suppress them, we hold onto them in our physical bodiesand they will be triggered to arise again and again, until we finally allow them to fully emerge. All rights reserved. Begin to make small movements. This confluence of influences makes the heart impacted by and capable of affecting many other aspects of the body and health. Make sure your spine is long, your neck is long and your shoulders are relaxed downward. I was the only one alive and ready to be lavished with the love that only I knew how to give. For additional support, feel free to sit against a wall or in a chair. But again, follow their lead. Sponsored Content from Celebrant Foundation & Institute. The smile says, I accept and love you unconditionally. Our being warms to this kindness, dissolving walls of psychic and physical isolation that prevent wholeness and health. Today's guided meditation will soothe you with the gentle raindrops that will wash away all your fears, anxieties and worries, so that you may be present and whole. Living your life from a place of unconditional kindness, for yourself and others, is a key element of managing stress and finding true meaning in your connections and work. And then, I smiled, a deep, broad smile that lit up my face- the face that was staring back at me, and inside, I could feel the new, life-giving energy that can only come from love zephyring up and down my spine and traveling to every part of my being, igniting me with inspiration and epiphany. Your email address will not be published. Whatever the sensation, allow it to just be. Meditation on 1 Corinthians 13. . If thats too difficult, then simply use the mantra to send them well wishes. Join us & write your heart out. Inhale. With a clean and open heart we can love everything and everyone around us more deeply. A meditation script will help you in your meditation session and dramatically improve its effectiveness. Allow it to raise your mindfulness in the situation and to evoke self-compassion when you need it the most. Next, read the script using a slow, calm voice and pause where its indicated. Send it loving thoughts as you would to a small child you adore. By transforming destructive emotions into positive energy the inner smile removes the cause and symptoms of disharmony., The inner smile arises from a loving intention, surfaces on the face then suffuses our internal and external reality. Your free account lets you heart articles, follow authors, comment, Boost, and support Elephant's writers. . S Is there tension, gripping, contraction or holding of any kind? In addition to simple and perhaps personal and creative forms of metta practice, there is a classic and systematic approach to metta as an intensive meditation practice. It's Valentine's Day. Self Love Meditation Script Find yourself in a comfortable seated position. Or, there might not be any romantic association with this person. One recites specific words and phrases evoking a boundless warm-hearted feeling. The strength of this feeling is not limited to or by family, religion, or social class. The beauty of Zentangle within the contemplative process and environment allows spirit to move in surprising ways. There are apps, books, podcasts, videos, and how-tos. Mother Theresa believed peace begins with a smile. A sincere smile shines from our soul, making the world a warmer place. Are you aware that what you may be missing is love for yourself? May you be safe. It features a low-pitched tone at 10 Hz (for relaxation), followed by a high-pitched tone, before alternating back to beta and gamma frequencies. The day that most people pretend to hate because they either don't feel loved, or don't want to show love, but mostly because they always wish the love they had was more intense, more real. For those with rough previous Valentine's Day experiences, Jessica Graham guides you through a Broken Heart meditation. This year, I decided to explore rituals that would have meaning for people like me, so that I wouldnt feel isolated or alone in the love department. Your kids will sit longer and become more engaged as you use meditation more and more. It teaches us to see and understand patterns in the world around us by seeing parts of the whole in design. I did this very thing today, and was surprised and delighted to find that when I looked at myself, I felt a sudden sense of comfort, peace and quiet. May I be safe. METTA MEDITATION The practice of Metta meditation is a beautiful support to other awareness practices. Helen, a recent participant in an Inner Smile Workshop observed- Its easier to remain closed and blame externals for our problems. Face it not all kids will agree on one thing between the ages of 5-12 but maybe something that's a common like with kids will work. Read more. Love Thyself: A Valentines Day Meditation. If you're just beginning, it can help to choose a short time, such as five or 10 minutes. All are sacred spaces of joy, kindness, generosity, beauty and abundance. Zentangle is a therapeutic ritual that values the journey as a treasured opportunity to meditate and create. A heart awareness visualization meditation is one of the best practices you can do to get really present with the intelligence and awareness of your heart. Though a heart-felt smile has a deeper effect, even a surface smile tricks the brain into releasing happy hormones according to facial biofeedback research. It teaches us to see and understand patterns in the world around us by seeing parts of the whole in design. Learn how to establish these lasting techniques, and more, at our six-day Perfect Health program. You don't have to read the whole script or ask all of the questions in it. The philosophy, tools, and ritual of Zentangle started about 15 years ago by two people who put their talents together artistic elements from Maria Thomas and meditative process from Rick Roberts. When you act with kindness and compassion, you can give to others and share your true gifts. Recall a situation in your life that is challenging or difficult and causing you hurt or stress. Hey, thanks so much for reading! Beneath our suffering and hurt lies boundless compassion and love. (Check this out for more mindful Valentine's Day fun.) Above all, remember, they are kids. Take a nice deep breath and say thanks to your self for working so hard through the year. Follow her at @emmacsloan, Cindy Galen B. is a mother, wife, and an intuitive cou, Sharon DeNofa is an award-winning author of Happily Ever NOT receiving the Gold for the, Anna Palmer comes from a personal background of mental health, and learned at a young ag, Roopa Swaminathan. We're dedicated to sharing "the mindful life" beyond the core or choir, to all those who don't yet know they give a care. It seems the targets for the deluge and hype of commercialism are romantic love for couples and platonic love for kids. 1001 Free Fonts offers the best collection of Valentine Fonts. Valentines Day should equal love awareness day. This Valentine's we bring you ou. GENTLE RAIN GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPT. Just days left to take the leap and find your voice, in mutually-supportive community. Read: Yoga for Self-Love: Tapping into Your Heart Chakra. There are movements in communities to broaden our understanding and give depth of meaning to the day of love. Self- love smiling circuits then release healing nectar and self-hate messages release poisons that breed disease according to Taoism. Believe that each of us is responsible for making ourselves feel both loved and supported. Our self-dislike and disappointment grow within our sense of isolation. Begin to feel the belly rise and fall. Some examples of showing yourself that love is to write feelings of what you appreciate and cherish about yourself and put it where you will be reminded of how special you are; buy yourself a necklace featuring a key reminding yourself that you own the key to your happiness; treat yourself to flowers, a special dinner, a soak in the tub by candlelight sipping your favourite wine or a love potion (your choice), or experience a mani-pedi and/or a massage you deserve it! Right this minute? We are the whole, sacred, essence of love in a walking, talking miracle of a being. Close your eyes and bring this situation to mind. So today, we receive it. U We have it! Four corner dots, pencil. A line, a dot, a circle, a squiggle, or an oval are all acceptable. Feel the gentle touch and warmth of your hands resting on your chest. When youre ready, open your eyes and bring your hands into prayer position at your heart center. It is the day of all days of the year to relish ourselves, honor ourselves, and seek deep the limitless, guiltless love we have for ourselves. So, on Valentine's Day, if we want love, we have to raise our sights to him. Some will induce total body relaxation. D Our hearts also hold onto the energy of past traumas. With each breath, allow any tension that your body is holding on to be released. Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Your email address will not be published. Smiling to yourself is like basking in love: you become your own best friend. Create a Free Account & Get 2 Free Reads. I have love in my life lots of awesome friends and colleagues, caring and generous family members and my furry granddogs. Create a comfortable Zen space for yourself, perhaps with low-level background music and set your air diffuser with your favourite scent. Remember that you are not alone; that all people struggle in their lives; and that suffering does not mean you are less worthy, bad, being punished, or alone. Read For FREE Add Script (s) to Cart Apply for Rights. Take these to be signs that your heart is softening, revealing what is held there. The creation of a Zentangle, is celebratory, has no orientation, is portable and timeless. What if each attendee was given basic instructions just prior to the ceremony while they were waiting and then given the tools to tangle a single tile during a ceremony? It's OK. As a general rule, your guided story should be as many minutes long as your children are years old. Ryan Althaus, From Emaciated to Emancipated, Podcast: Steven Washington, Recovering You, Podcast: Clark Strand, Waking Up to the Dark, Knowing the Goddess Kushmanda: The Art of Self-Love. Marilyn Dionis a Life-Cycle Celebrant, owner of Woven Words Ceremonies and the Canada East Alumni Mentor for the Celebrant Foundation & Institute. Every time you read, share, comment or heart you help an article improve its Ratingwhich helps Readers see important issues & writers win $$$ from Elephant. How have you been? I have love in my life lots of awesome friends and colleagues, caring and generous family members and my furry granddogs. This is the relationship we dream of or wish for, but we rarely, if ever, see them in movies or read about them in books. The abstract memento for the couple or family members when all the tiles are gathered would be an awesome keepsake! Enjoy a renewed sense of health with this 7-day Ayurvedic cleanse. The information provided on this site is for educational use only. Having been single for more than a dozen years, I have pretty much ignored the modern worlds connotation and celebration of love on February 14. The most optimal way to prepare for a guided self love meditation is to adjust this session to the time you have available. Help your kids figure out what they have been struggling with lately. It is our choice, this day, to fully accept our love for ourselves and our sacred divinity. Getting in touch with your heart center and opening up your heart allows you to listen more deeply to your true inner knowing and connect to the flow of life that is always there. We are immersed in it, snuggled and safe within it. As you approach life without judgment toward yourself or others, you will notice that there is a shift in your perception and experience of life. Guided Meditation: Love Ritual for Valentine's Day. I hope you liked my Guided Self Love Meditation Script and dont forget to check other meditation scripts as well. with you, exhaling, try to open the door with all your energy, your power your new confidence, and love. But God is. Love is within each of us. Can you feel your heart softening and opening a bit? Each blank 3.5 tile represents a new beginning of mindful meditation. By practicing a heart-centered visualization meditation practice on a regular basis, you can be a pioneer of this heart-centered awareness. Slightly in from each of the four corners place a dot in pencil. This may be someone youre currently involved with romantically, but theres conflict in the relationship. Your mind is lighter free from all the negative thoughts ready to get nourished with some positive vibes for a new dose of real, profound, grounding trust. Lets work our way to love. Negative thoughts become entrenched in our energy and imprint themselves on our face. A We have so much of it ourselves, we can share it freely with all that is. "Your . You may acknowledge that this moment hurts, is stressful, or is painful. The inner smile requires us to look inside ourselves, accept ourselves and extend that loving energy to everything.. It might feel as if theres a blockage of energy. Let me know how your kids liked the addition of movement to the meditation. You may even speak out loud, ". How Creative Expression Promotes Self-Love, Art as Meditation: How Painting Landscapes Can Promote Healing. He explained its significance to me on my recent visit to his Thailand retreat, In ancient China, the Taoists taught that a constant inner smile to oneself, insured health, happiness and longevity. One must love oneself before one can truly love another. Play for free. You may also try the Ceremony of Zentangle, putting pen to paper, like I intend to do this year. Take two or three deep breaths with slow, long and complete exhalations. A Valentines Survival Guide for Singles. valentine's day script calligraphy love wedding handwritten modern invitation handdrawn handwriting brand identity handlettering feminine holiday romantic cursive signature beautiful logotype elegant heart crafting easter christmas poster headline brush spring business stylish classy summer display winter photography casual t-shirt fashion Head to the Mindfulness Library if you have your password and if not, click the button below for free access to the many mindfulness activities, scripts, workbooks, and more in the Mindfulness Library. Instead of mentioning romance in 1 . 1. To help you bring attention to your doshas and to identify what your predominant dosha is, we created the following quiz., The Secret of the Human Heart: A Valentines Day Meditation for One, Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close. # To give of yourself requires patience, compassion, and kindness. For those who are grieving the passing of their life partner. As an aid to the meditation, you might hold an image of yourself in your minds eye. i had to miss the ceremony due to my exam in university? Acceptance of that fact is sometimes difficult to swallow. When you are ready, put your hands down and gently open your eyes. I have included discussion questions in the Kindness Meditation packet for inspiration. Focus on one particular thought: think about the one thing you love about yourself. You can simply download the Confidence Shot MP3 and use it however you like; on your phone, MP3 player, radio, etc. This scripture is often read at wedding ceremonies, and is a good one to quote in a Valentine's card. Love is within each of us. Valentine's Day Meditation by David McLemore. Download 171 Valentine Fonts for Windows and Mac. ifsi virtual learning. Several times she was moved to tears thinking her tiles were substandard, not good enough and that she was out of her league. Give yourself credit. The Confidence shot is a 15-minute and 30-minute audio program, that will help you stay positive, stronger, and braver. Flaunting My 50s: 24 Things Time has Taught Me. It is freely given. Valentine's Day brings good news because-whether single, married, divorced, separated, or any other sort of status-people can connect to the best kind of love, God's love., Website problems and Contribute to jlord/Valentine-s-Day development by creating an account on GitHub. We hear them, singing soulfully the unspoken untranslatable words of life as it really is: Our heaven on earth. When children hear the experiences of others, it allows them to be open to fully noticing and sharing their own experiences. What if each attendee was given basic instructions just prior to the ceremony while they were waiting and then given the tools to tangle a single tile during a ceremony? Ask yourself what you need to hear and feel right now to give kindness to yourself. It may be someone youve recently broken up with, and theres still lots of anger between you. You cannot survive long without a properly functioning heart. Browse Catalog Grades Pre-K - K 1 - 2 3 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 Other Subject Arts & Music English Language Arts World Language Math Science Social Studies - History Specialty Holidays / Seasonal Price 5.0. Make kindness and compassion a daily habit through meditation and connection. You can either use the same phrases, repeating them again and again, or make up phrases that better represent the loving-kindness you feel toward these beings. Did you know that I love you and I appreciate you? For Valentine's Day, I suggest adopting this meditation to send love to all those people we have loved, both romantically and platonically, including those who are no longer in our lives. He cares, wants us to be healed, cleansed from our sins, in right relationship with Him and others around us, and on our way to heaven. 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valentine's day meditation script