west coast ham radio nets

Nightly Dennis L. Hall, KK7X. Winston VFW Ham Swap Meet, Winston Oregon. Coffee Net: Mon Wed Fri: 08:00 PST: Treasure Coast 31123: Pennsylvania Statewide: Tue: 20:00 EST: . Updated February 16, 2023 . West Coast Net. Gulf Harbour Radio, ZMH286: http://www.ghradio.co.nz/8752 kHz or 8779 or 8297 kHz (in that order depending on interference).Monday-Saturday UTC 1915. Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2. 7.2395 Then, click on the red marker to open the add anchorage window. This list represents the nets we have information for. What is a Ham radio Net. The CCA 20-meter SSB Net meets every Sunday on 14.263 mHz USB at 2000 UTC throughout the year and is our formal, directed net. Informal chat followed by roll call at 0325(UTC).The three nets that share 14300 kHz provide an outstanding safety net for cruisers. 1st Wednesday AM (each month) KK7N CN85tn. 3.885 HUNTER NET FREQUENCIES On the Southeast Florida net Sunday at 2000EST please change the talk group from 3112529 to 311037. 3.942 QRP RTTY Hawks Mobile Net the beginning of the 5 Meter Band! ARRL NET SEARCH Sun Day Time Zone Net Freqy Location Other; Daily: 5:00 AM: ET: Early Morning 160 Meter Net: 1.888: East Coast: Daily: 5:00 AM: ET: Early Morning 160 Meter Net: 1.888 . Assistant Manager W9EC Ray Lischka MOSES LAKE "Whiskey . Our net is now in its 36th year of non-stop fun 365 days a year. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them. Amateur Radio Service The amateur and amateur-satellite services are for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. . WCN West Coast Net. West Coast Qualifying Runs are also transmitted monthly by K6KPH, K9JM or KH6TU on 3590 kHz, as well as 3581.5, 7047.5, 14047.5, 18097.5, and 21067.5 kHz. North Central 3.880mHz7:00 PM CST USCG Amateur Radio Net 12:30 UTC Last Updated on January 1, 2023 by KC7NYR. info. For the buying, selling and trading of AM and AM 7.188 MHz, except between 1545 to 1700 UTC, when it moves to 7.243 MHz. window.status=out; Radios That Glow NOTE: AC6V.com is an archive of Rod/AC6V's webpages, and is no longer being updated. New TALARC net on West Coast. GENERAL NETS mobiles, in the form of: weather, road conditions, emergencies, phone calls, and a abbreviation "CHN" is used to designate the net. Chubasco Net (U.S. Pacific Coast throughout Sea of Cortez and as far south as Manzanillo and out to Hawaii) 7.192 Mhz (0745 Pacific Time and Pacific DST when applicable). Sailing Nets - West Coast at heatherk.com -- Also some WX and HF transceiver info. 10:00 AM,PST North American Talk Box 8:00 PM CST. . Horse Traders Antigua / Antilles. Run by a consortium of net controllers in NZ and Australia. 14.317 Intl Texas Traders -- Frequencies & Nets Weekly friday night Collins Radio net on 3.895 main operators are all west cost. WEEKDAYS RAG CHEW & SWAP NET . Forpermission to reproduce anything on this site please contact the society at 19:00 CST The DMR repeaters are connected utilizing a Rayfield Communications C-Bridge. TitusvilleARC Mosquito Net NA6R Link Pages. Sat The Vintage SSB Net and website. Management Net West 3.990 LSB Sunday 9:00 am PA Emg. Read More. National Weather Service Products via Amateur "Ham" Radio. The nets main purpose is to look after vessels underway as they voyage between the outer islands of the Marshall Islands, but it is also a social network between cruisers and people on the outer islands with radios. Sun A net is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. Live streaming. 1:00 PM Sun. -- Subscription Info, IOTA - Islands on the Air Frequencies (See Awards Section for Details) Net Control Operator on Saturday March 4, 2023 will be AL7DD from the Seattle Area. SWAP NETS AND OTHER NET LISTINGS A good net to learn net procedures in CW environment. Here's what Wikipedia says. Wed The WIN System is a community of amateur radio operators focused on educating all licensed radio operators so they can better serve their communities. Georgia Net Below is a list of HF nets available to local Hams with the right equipment. Please email requests to Swap and Shop Web Editor using Contact Form. Guide To Amateur Radio Sailing-- Includes Maritime Mobile Ham Forum Maritime Mobile Service Network-- Serving Maritime Mobiles Every Day Since 1968-- Over 1,300 radio amateurs with interest in boating. The North American Youth Net ARRL. West Coast Slow Speed Net : CW (slow) 3540: 0200: 0300: K7WCN: Alaska Sniper's Net: SSB: 3920: 0200: 3.919 This Net will start Monday, February 18th on 147.320 & 442.325 pl 100. Also can provide passage tracking services (Passage Guardian) globally for a fee. Yellow (normal type) = HAM ( Note: USB is used on 14mHz {20M} and up; LSB is used on 7mHz {40M} and below). FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION SWAP NET All are welcome, regardless of location. 9:00 NOTE: This list is current as of this writing! Mon 7:45 pm. SMARC does not control the content of these nets nor does it guarantee these nets follow any form of guidelines or follow FCC regulations. Nets are listed by Info: W6PJD - P.O. var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ")"; We operate a series of over 100 linked repeaters which cover a great deal of the US and many other countries around the world. 8:00 PM EST -- Maritime Nets 40M Sunday 7.233 MHz @ 22:30 UTC (Winter) / 21:30 UTC (Summer) Russell Radio (Russell in the Bay of Islands of New Zealand) www.russellradio.org.nzEmail:[emailprotected]VHF 16, 63 (working channel)Coverage area extends from Tutukaka in the south to Knuckle Point at the northern end of Doubtless Bay, encompassing the Cavallis and the Poor Knights Islands. Emergencies, position reports, general information and traffic contacts. Local Nets on The K7RPT ARRG Repeater System Only, CPCBSA Scout Net 430PM-5:00PM 147.32, 442.325, 444.400, 444.125 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone, Neighborhood Emergency Communications Net Portlands Net Net. SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK-31 modes on 20, 40, NET FREQUENCY 7.235 +/- QRM . The South Coast Amateur Radio Service, popularly known as "South-Cars", or "SCARS" is a service net, (recognized by the ARRL). Net Details developments and techniques in HF portable operation. "INTERNET RADIO LINKING PROJECT" (IRLP) East Coast Reflector 9050-ECR ALLSTAR Bridges 27339 - 45192 - 45225-Reflector M17-ECR Module A- 20M Sunday 14.287 MHz @ 21:30 UTC (Winter) / 20:30 UTC (Summer) Old Tube CW Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets. Day: Saturdays Become an ECARS Member. Sun Cruising nets are both a social tool for maintaining contact with fellow cruisers, and a key safety tool for gathering information on weather and sea conditions. All these nets are in the AM mode on 6M! Northwest Unauthorized use is prohibited except as specifically Collins gear is not required although it is strongly encouraged of course. PLEASE GO TO THE NEW WARFA WEB PAGE http://www.7290trafficnet.org/_mgxroot/page_10736.html, http://www.lafevordr.net/srbsg_roster.htm, http://getbible.org/AFCkwork33ked38s9.html, http://www.arrl.org/images/view//Regulatory_/Color_Band_Chart_Image.jpg, http://www.legion.org/hamradio/monthly-net-schedule, http://www.collinsradio.org/information/cca-nets/, http://www.ve3ncq.ca/wordpress/?page_id=77, http://www.daytimetexastrafficnet7285.org/, http://www.heartlandhams.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=88:double-nickel-net, http://services.swpc.noaa.gov/images/planetary-k-index.gif, http://pages.suddenlink.net/w8gn/Evening Eye Bank Net, http://fmcaarc.com/index.php/nets-and-schedules/, http://www.tailgatersnet.com/the-freewheelers-net.html, http://www.arrl-ga.org/operations/Georgia%20Nets.pdf, http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/goes-x-ray-flux, http://www.ips.gov.au/Images/HF%20Systems/Global%20HF/Ionospheric%20Map/WorldIMap.gif, http://internationalbiblestudynet.weebly.com/, http://www.jamaicaham.org/downloads/2%20Way%20Radio%20Frequencies.pdf, https://sites.google.com/site/kyphonenet/, http://www.wb4hfn.com/KENWOOD/KenwoodHomePage.htm, http://www.laarrl.org/ss/section/nets-listing/, http://www.reocities.com/TheTropics/3989/, http://www.ncarrl.org/nets/nc_nts_nets.html, http://www.ips.gov.au/Images/HF%20Systems/Global%20HF/HAP%20Charts/Kansas%20City.gif, http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/communities/radio-communications, http://www.arrl.org/Groups/view/southern-florida, http://www.ncarrl.org/nets/THEN/index.html, http://arrlntx.org/main/nts/section-traffic-nets/, http://www.moonlightersnet.com/moonlighters.html, http://www.tailgatersnet.com/the-rag-chew-crew.html, https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Roosternet/info, http://www.tailgatersnet.com/the-tailgaters-net.html, http://www.waterwayradio.net/netformat.htm, Amateur Radio Sunrise Bible Study Group-Study, California American Legion Amatur Radio Service, HF PACK All day, various frequencies & times, Multiple Nets all on 14.300 MHZ Every Day, Optimum HF Frequencies for Distance Communication, SATERN - Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network, The HiFivers Amateur Radio Friendship Net, West Gulf Division ARRL - Section Managers Net. w6dq@att.netCCA Member #AC12-12644, 10 Meter CCA Sunday AM Net (This net is currently on hold due to erratic propagation), Copyright 2012, 2014 Collins Collectors Association The HFpack egroup and on-the-air schedules history of handling day of the week, starting with those Antilles Net. . Washington County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) exists for the purpose of providing backup emergency communications to many served agencies in Washington County, Oregon. Western NY Sat 3.913 Website: http://nttnweb.us/wp/, OTVARC Nets -Sun 07:30 PST, 3974 kHz AM MRCG West Coast Military Radio Net-West Coast Agent Guard Channel - 3550 (night) and 7050 (day) CW Not a formal, scheduled Net, but Monitored.-MMRCG 40M AM Net - First Saturday of Each Month -will be held on 7296 kHz at 9AM (14:00Z)-MMRCG 75M Weekly Rolling USB Net - The net will meet weekly on 3996 kHz USB on . 1497 Marelen Dr the week. KE7GGV Alternate frequencies of 8137, 8155 and 6230 (6C). Their Website: www.weaksig.net Assigned Net Controls. DX101x - 235 Pages of Real DX Secrets For HF and Six Meters. Menu. Ham Radio HF Emergency Net Frequencies (USB or LSB as appropriate) Name / Description. . Pacific Seafarers Net www.pacseanet.com (HAM) 14300 kHz at 0300(UTC). We would be pleased to have you check into the ECARS net. if (seed > 100) (maybe out of service). 7.272 Ragchew group -- 7.272 Mhz, Yaesu users net WA9VRH Larry Mid Day (Noon) 14303.5 Elecraft K3 Radio Net Sunday 19:00 14:00 / 15:00 Sun. January 2020: Northland SSB Net details updated. (2007 mention), VK Maritime (VK & South Pacific) 7,060 USB at 20:00 (UTC). hearing nothing, might assume the net is cancelled. PA Emg. There are a ton of 'em! This net is in operation almost any time band conditions The net is sanctioned to meet on the linked repeaters of the Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. Rag of the Air (Fiji) in 8173 at 19:00. There are two weekly nets held on the OTVARC repeaters. Hams checking in on both fone and cw are counted twice! 40M Sunday 7.233 MHz @ 22:30 UTC (Winter) / 21:30 UTC (Summer), ECARS is a acronym for East Coast Amateur Radio All times to be considered UTC time unless specified otherwise. -- Another Must SEESailing Fullerton, CA 92835 You can pick the net which best fits your schedule and your reward for helping is the thrill of getting to know many of our members on the air. BM TG 3119886 and TGIF TG 6282. The nets are always looking for new check-ins so give it a try. Cheers and 73 from Jim and Ann Cate (N9GFT/VK4GFT) s/v Insatiable II, Far North Radio (NZ Kaipara, Brett Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu)Provide an SSB (hf) service to vessels transiting to/from the Pacific and Tasman sea areas.See Noonsite Report for more details.1800-1900 hours New Zealand daylight time 6.516MHz1900-1930 hours New Zealand daylight time 4.417MHz. The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Society) AM Net. Thur Hood 147.120 /444.225 Repeater 15:00 TO 16:00 UTC Military Radio Collector's Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Nethttp://www.pmmsn.net/Nets begin at 2100 UTC hours every dayNets close at 2400 UTC hours every day15-meter band wide area coverage on 21.412 Mhz USBNot limited to the Pacific OceanFelix Dudley W4FDD Email:[emailprotected] Last reference Nov 2015. See website for Mexico Nets. West Coast AMI, group of ham radio operators involved in the mode of amplitude modulation. Collins Net For more information, please contact any of our Net Managers or give your name and telephone number to any Net Control Stations on any CCA net. Manana Net Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, discussing a common topic of interest, in severe weather (for example, during a Skywarn activation), emergencies, or simply as a regular gathering of friends for conversation. Sonrisa Net for Sea of Cortez, 3.968 MHz (3968 LSB) at 0730 PDT. NSN had a very nice sound in CW, "dah di, di di di, dah di." Running at 10 words per minute, WCN is a good place to learn message handling while building up your speed. You are here: Website: https://otvarc.org/events/nets/, Western Oregon Radio Club. Copyright 2018-2023 KC7NYR Amateur Radio Site. Swan Technical Nets - Wednesday 2200GMT on 14292Khz. All Contents inclusive of URLs involving "collinsradio", protected by WARA Field Day Photographs traffic for mariners who are out of touch with friends and family. You need to be logged in to use member only content. BLUEWATER NET 6516 KHz - USB Daily @ 02:00Z. West Coast AMI. Please do not type your ad in all caps. 3818. SSB Net, free of charge public service. (TCARA) is hosting a general information, check-in net, ARRL audio news. Seems current Panama Connection, 8107 kHz at 0930 UTC daily. . Daily at 7:00PM on 3540 kHz. 3.885 The first hour of the net is dedicated to Buy, Sell, Swap, and Wants. Covers NE Coast of Australia, New Guinea, Louisiade Archipelago, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Noumea. meters and 7.0565 on 40 meters. +\- 3.5kHz 7.228 http://www.collinsradio.org/ Open net in the lower mainland for new and old on SSB. Most NCS run 10 wpm. Night 7.225 Washington County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) exists for the purpose of providing backup emergency communications to many served agencies in Washington County, Oregon. ASSORTED SWAP NETS AND OTHERS Home. The Portland Public Schools Amateur Radio Club Traffic Net is held Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM until 7:30 PM on the 440.25 MHz repeater. 3.803 We take check-ins starting with the first call district thru the 5th, then the 8th thru the 10th, and finishing with the 6th and 7th call districts. SCV AM net SCV,CA Sunday Morning kc6wfs 09:00 PM PST 50.400 So. } -- Avoid the Big Guns, QRP Mail List Reflectors -- Subscription Info, K3UK 13:00 UTC HF Storm warnings are broadcast on WWV (5000mHz, 10000mHz, 15000mHz, and 20000mHz) at 8 minutes past each hour. } This website serves a group of ham radio operators who meet daily on shortwave radio to operate in morse code (an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short sounds) at a slow speed to encourage new operators to join in learning to send and receive messages. USCG Amateur Radio Primary SSB Net - Saturday 1200 EST/0900 PST 14.300 mHz. We also have an alternate repeater on 146.84 megahertz. Home Printable Roster Activity Reports About WCN Net Documents Resources Administration Site Map About The Net . HFpack.com is an international resource for portable High Frequency Website: http://www.worc.info/. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact the NET Net Management Team at pdxnet.net@gmail.com, Website URL Short Address: http://bit.ly/NETNet, Website Complete Address: https://portlandprepares.org/net-resources/radio/ham-radio-2/practice-opportunities-2/net-net/, Clackamas County Amateur Radio Emergency Services- CARES Net Every Sunday Night at 7 PM on the Mt. aka West Cars -- 3128 Counties, Parishes or Independent Cities in the USA, The South Central 3.890 mHZ 6:30 PM CST Sat & Sun St. Clair County Illinois Radio Club 2 Meter AM Sailing Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training Net This net is one of the oldest continuous VHF nets Friday West Coast SSB 3.895 mHz at 8 pm Pacific, 10 pm Central. The Wednesday Night Casual Net is held from 8:00 PM until 8:30 PM Wednesday evenings on the 146.96 MHz repeater. 774 Wisteria Dr Net Manager KD6DMH Mike Golub How To Obtain A Ham License. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. 14300 USB Intercontinental marine net, 24 hours. This repeater has a positive 600kHz offset and a tone of 100.0 Hz. The CCA also supports three weekly 75-meter SSB Nets: Tuesday & Friday nights on 3.775 kHz LSB at 8 pm Central, 7:00PM 145.440 MHz. 3.938 Traders Net - Added the flyer for the May 6. Cousins Nets COUNTY HUNTERS TSN is a traffic handling training net. 00:00 UTC New Zealand Netradio1nz.com/nznetVessels with radiotelegraph capability are welcome to check into the New Zealand Net on 3535kHz Mon-Fri at 2100 hours NZ time. MARITIME SWAP Sunday 19:00 / 18:00 11:00 Sun. Netherlands the SRS (Surplus Radio We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience possible on our website. The Western States DMR Network is a group of 70 cm Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) repeaters located in California, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. GENERAL NETS 3900 Trader Net For more information go to Saturday 7.295 Mhz, 7:AM Eastern Time. Last reference May 2013, Coconut Breakfast Net, French Polynesia 8188 kHz at 1730(UTC) (English), Coconut Breakfast Net, West of French Polynesia 12353 kHz at 1830(UTC) (English), Confusion Net (Pacific) 14.305 MHz at 1900 (UTC), Harrys Net (W & S Pacific) 7.095 MHz at 2000 (UTC), Hawaii Net (Hawaii) 14,340 at 19:00 and 14,305 at 22:00 Website www.earchi.org/rptr_nets.html Email:[emailprotected] no email response July 2016, N Zealand Wx Net (New Zealand) 7.080 MHz at 2000 (UTC). 1:00 PM Sun. The CCA 20-meter SSB Net meets every Sunday on 14.263 mHz USB at 2000 UTC throughout the year and is our formal, directed net. . FOR ALL THE UPCOMING SWAPMEETS, TIMES, LOCATIONS, ETC. The 40-meter or 7-MHz band is an amateur radio frequency band, spanning 7.000-7.300 MHz in ITU Region 2, and 7.000-7.200 MHz in Regions 1 & 3. About the Pacific RV Service Net. Jim Hollabaugh Jack Valley A secondary net usually is in operation at -- From The ARRLCapt. French Net13940 kHz at 0300Z (French)The frequency is still available and they also use 8335 kHz. This net meets daily from 7:30 to 8:00 PM local time for the purpose of preparation and coordination of District 1 ARES communications in the event of an actual emergency. January 2022: Pacific Maritime Radio updated. Six County Hunter Web, County hunters usually can be found participating in the Emergency and Mobile Boy Scouting Randy Becnel W5UE Webmaster 6 . Today, with inexpensive communication capability available to anyone, routine message handling has dwindled and is largely used for training purposes. K3UK and 3.600 Mobile Unlike satellite-based communications systems, HF radio communications is a kind of 'party line'. Coordinate via, See Pacific NW 2m Net above, covers Portland as well, Both horiz and vertical capable, 350w ERP, 4 x 9WL M2 yagis, vertically stacked, 75W. ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl.org . 14:00 UTC In memory in Les Sat You can find us onW7NK and Oregon Repeater Associates, the EXH repeaters 441.35 MHz (+), with a tone of 100.0 Hz (W7EXH) & 145.31 MHz (-), with a tone of 123.0 Hz (N7EXH). CW Telegraph NetW6MTC West Coast 3.880 mHZ8:00 PM Local West Coast Time, Friday MID US SSB 3.775 mHz at 8 pm Central SSB Welcome to the WIN System. Nemo's HF Frequencies This is followed by general check-ins for technical questions or in for the numbers (just a howdy hello) based on the call district you live in.

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west coast ham radio nets