As an astrological point, it is connected with karma and fate, and it functions when triggered by planet transits. , ALTERNATE VERSION > Visit + use the Cafe Astrology Vertex Calculator, just plug in your birth data. Two flashes, actually, starting in both eyes as metallic enzo-shaped swirls, which ballooned, then condensed and solidified into metallic glowing orbs, before finally flashing out. VERTEX IN ARIES > Destiny process themes includes originality, first hand experience, taking the lead, and rivalry. ALSO, remember that its not just the planet transiting your Vertex, but the configuration of planets that are also in transit, and how theyre impacting your chart. (At the same degree, just different sign. As your own analysis may have shown, its not particularly rife with information. Youre probably already familiar with the other three fate lines, but under different names: the Magnetic Axis (the Ascendant-Descendant), the Gravity Axis (the Nadir-Midheaven), and the Karmic Axis (the Lunar Nodes). Aspects describe the relationships between planets, some being softer (sextiles, trines) than others (square, oppositions, conjunctions). Doing these things may satisfy a fundamental need for expression that you are psychologically ready to fulfill. Your planets will be blue and on the inside, while transiting planets will be in orange and outside the wheel. And from the research, it seems like its not dependent on one planet transiting over the Destiny Point, but a combination of planet transits, and what else theyre transiting over in your chart. We dont choose it, the moment chooses us, and, for better or worse, we all do really want to be chosen! Your progressed chart can also trigger with progressed planets or house cusps conjunct your natal Vertex, or with your progressed Vertex conjunct one of your natal planets. The Ascension Axis is known as the spiritual ascendant, or the angle that draws spiritual, changing experiences to us. . Often, committed couples, besties, and super-enmeshed siblings have strong Vertex connections between their charts. Its as if the planets are acting through people, performing functions related to the planet, causing the impact those transits are supposed to have on our charts (learn more about planetary transits here ). There appeared to be hope that the drug would replicate . Your beliefs may also play a role in your fate. You may become lost in a world of dreams, with a deeply spiritual connection. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11th, 12th, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd houses), which relate to personal concerns and our private worlds. and it wants to be grounded in your destiny process. John and Julie Gottman (psychologists whove written hella books on marriage and relationships), she asked them, howd you meet? To everything turn turn turn there is a season turn turn turn and a tiiime for evvvery purpose under heaven , If you dont feel like reading a chart (), you can find out your Destiny Point placement with the CafeAstrology Vertex calculator! Fast answers; Mathematics Homework Helper; You may be destined to create stability and security. With the placement of Neptune Vertex, you can feel like you've found your soulmate or lose yourself (particularly if forming a square / anti-vertex) which is 6 signs away. What did you do, who were you with, what was on your mind, on your heart? Click the blue rectangle labelled calculate chart. . OR BASICALLY, VERTEX CONJUNCT CHIRON IN MY CHART implies that my path to ascendency involves re-integrating (Gemini ) my wounding / healing experiences, and being led through the visceral resource-and-value scarcity issues that created my soul-wound in the first place. , ALSO, for insight into the elements + modes (super helpful for building an intuitive picture of how the themes and experiences of your planets are interrelating), check out this AstroStyle article, and compare to this one from CafeAstrology on the same topic*! WRITE IT OUT > Vertex (any conjunctions?) GENERALLY, when Chiron gets transited (and its not along our Chiron Cycle, when our specific soul-wound gets re-triggered ), the transit coincides with events promoting some kind of re-education about what we bring and might use to transform a situation, based on our personal wounding / healing experiences. Forewarned is forearmed. Lets put off grad school forever , Go to, and hover over Free Horoscopes on the left-hand side of the navigation, and select Synastry, Composite, Davison.. ..but they do in many cases, according to most Vertex lore Ive found. , BUT WHO AM I TO DISCOURAGE YOU, even if you only have approximate birth data, lets do this, because were all learning astrology, right? Were destined to meet many people and have many relationships that arent good for us, so sometimes those connections arent positive, but may have something to teach us. To handle this you have to adjust to the differences of the two signs., HINT > This CafeAstrology summarizes the Vertex in the signs, as well as aspects to the Vertex from the planets, and for more summary-descriptions of the Vertex in the signs, compare to this one from Siddhantika! Degrees are represented by the little gray lines in between the darker black lines, inside the boxes displaying the zodiac symbols. You can take care of the emotional needs of others, and have a tender approach. , AND THE SAME FOR YOU, if you happen to have Chiron aspecting your Vertex! SO, grab your birth certificate, or start dialing your momma and aunties! With your astrology Vertex in Taurus, this may show youre fated to be able to take care of your own needs and revel in your senses. 'You are my fantasy' That's all true but more profoundly, the 2nd house is your money persona - the 8th house is your . The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all move quickly and conjunct both 2-4+ times each year, so it may not be a big deal when they conjunct unless its paired with other transits. You may thrive in relationships and partnerships based on mutual respect, that flow equally both ways, and are interdependent. The house position of the Moon, then, can reveal some areas of life's ups and downs in the year ahead. If the Vertex is the spiritual Ascendant, the anti-Vertex is the spiritual Descendant. . 90 DEGREE DIAL. You can go to dark places and find a way to bring in light and make things better. Major Life Themes Astrology Report Rated 5.00 out of 5 Read next: What is Your Descendant in Astrology? Anti-Vertex Saturn in Sagittarius in the Second House. Sextiles might start or inspire something between the points, while trines facilitate and support the direction youre moving in.). With your astrology Vertex in Scorpio, this may show youre fated to become an incredible transformer. With your astrology Vertex in Aquarius, this may show youre fated to become an icon. . . You can let your inner light shine. > This is tricky to find for the Vertex in particular, but you can look up what the planets in synastry mean in general. Your mind can be an asset once you develop your talents and learn how to make use of your natural mental abilities. Check out: Are You in Sync With Your Numerological Destiny? Were floating down a riverrr to the Verrrtex . You are likely to have very strong values. Unless you can see that relationship is an important story line in your Vertex placement, or in your birth chart in general, you might be projecting the destiny inspo away from yourself, which might be what I did with my fateful encounter with the barista (and my ex-husband, who was involved in my previous activation moment). The Sun person 'lights up' this house area of the vertex person and acts as a prominent figure bringing tremendous opportunities of growth in that area of ones . relationship astrology is where the Destiny Point really gets to shine, and maybe because not many people are tracking their transits (despite my constant admonishing ). The Vertex is usually located in the 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th houses in your birth chart (the axis can be closer to your Imum Coeli and Midheaven if you were born in tropical latitudes). Vertex Pharmaceuticals ( VRTX -1.52%) climbed as much as 32% from the start of the year through the middle of last month. Progressions reveal how your natal chart changes over time. When Capricorn is in the 2nd House, it means that wealth and financial success might be something you take seriously and work towards. Its opposite point is called the Anti-Vertex, which some believe to be even more important. What is the meaning, or significance, of the planet or angle from your synastry partners chart connecting with your Vertex? ), ANYWAY, let me provide some summaries for interpreting transits to the Vertex, and in the final section, Ill focus on reading for the Vertex in a synastry chart (), which showcases what the Vertex does best. In this lifetime, you cannot let. Do you notice any orange planets, angles, or points nearby? Copyright 2023 Astrology Answers. Its not a physical body and is instead the point where the ecliptic and prime vertical intersect. Antivertex. VERTEX IN CAPRICORN This indicates a searing need for the partner to understand and . Take cover somewhere chill! , Within a day or so of seeing the blue light, the barista started acting weird at me, and I believe triangulating me against one of the coworkers hes been having an affair with. . its like when you can feel someone watching you, except that their perspective is part of you. Vertex in Capricornwill tell you about your endeavors in life. , Ive updated it to include more info about what to do if you think your Vertex has been activated (ew, wth does THAT mean? read to find out! but ultimately, the destiny process itself is an inside job, something youll pack up and take with you when you go. Pop quotes, summaries, and links into a Google Doc, or Pin to your astrology boards, or wherever you like to hold and sift through mind-exploding psycho-spiritual personal data. Im guessing this based on (1) that coworkers reproachfulness of late, and (2) because she showed me her natal chart hella days ago in connection to a break-up with her boyfriend/roommate, whereupon I guessed an unwise casual coupling would ensue (not out loud ) largely due to codependency markers in her chart, and the fact that she does work with a janky perv (the barista ), though I did not anticipate the coinciding impact of the eclipse , my seeing the blue flash in the baristas eyes, or him suddenly dressing like my ex-husband / Art Alexakis and instructing the other baby-baristas to spy and notify him of my cafe solicitations, but does that mean he also saw a blue flash in my eyes or is he just responding to my weird vibes and trying to shake off his clingy workplace-lover, AND IM BASICALLY STALKING EVERYONE IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD WITH ASTROLOGY, hi, Im Plutonian. Solar Return Birthday Astrology Report Rated 4.86 out of 5 $ 15.00. . Might present opportunity to size up your potential, or gauge where your higher self potential actually lies, or the flimsiness of your vision for it. What were the circumstances and vibe of the next interaction? Remember that Vertex activations specialize in fated encounters, so for me, the encounter was supposed to be a learning process (Vertex in Gemini ) and rinse-down of my intimacy issues (Vertex in the Eighth House). Transits and progressions can trigger timing for encounters and events that feel fated. Table of Contents show Is Vertex important in astrology? . In any case, you might as well keep top-of-mind any planet thats transiting your Vertex sign! Its opposite point is called the Anti-Vertex. TECHNICALLY SPEAKING the Vertex isnt a body, such as a planet, but is formed by where the ecliptic (or path of the Sun) intersected the prime vertical: an imaginary line dividing the sky into two halves, a front and back. In the astrological houses, your Vertex means different things: The zodiac sign location of your astrology Vertex tends to be more important than the house though. As accurate as you can get, because the degree numbers of our angle placements (including the Vertex, a.k.a. against what you are developing. Its like Pinhead from Hellraiser is part of my destiny process. Those articles will help you begin to start picking apart how / where your Vertex interacts with each others, especially if there are other planets, asteroids, or angles involved. You can develop a strong financial aptitude, and become quick savvy. Often, when any planet, angle, or point of our birth chart is transited, other people will act as avatars for the transiting planet. HINT > The elements (fire, earth, air, water) and modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable) represented by the zodiac signs can help you build a picture how how these relationships express themselves and interrelate. , EVENTUALLY, AFTER TEN MONTHS OF TRYING TO START A CONVERSATION ABOUT ECLIPSES WITH HIM the barista (that fucking cunt ), announced he wouldnt serve me anymore (again, the full scoop is at the bottom of my Lilith-in-synastry tutorial, with the calendar date and exact time, if you want to peek at the transit chart ), which worked out okay, I guess, since another cafe opened up in town, and I Iearned about eclipses and the Destiny Point in astrology. With your astrology Vertex in Aries, this may show youre fated to become a stronger leader, learn how to take initiative, and stand up for yourself. ), WHAT ABOUT PLANETS CONJUNCT THE VERTEX IN SYNASTRY? , VERTEX IN THE HOUSES theres less info about this, and even some terribly wrong info (hint: if summaries include Vertex in the 1st-4th Houses, its garbage ), and the best intel I found was via Kim Falconers Astrology and Aptitude, which also has the full scratch on the Vertex, and every-which-way you can interpret it in the natal chart. When you get to step #6, click VERTEX from the dropdown menu under Additional Objects, just under CHIRON. , AND, TBH > I was not so far along in my astrology self-study that I actually understood horoscopes and blog posts regarding the impact and consequences of eclipses. But the Vertex is specifically about your destiny process. HERES A SUMMARY OF WHAT ASPECTS TO YOUR VERTEX CAN MEAN. OTHER PEOPLES PLANETS CONJUNCT YOUR VERTEX (OR ANTI-VERTEX). Locate your Vertex (which is in blue). And FYI: Vertex activations arent always romanticyou can have a contact point between your Vertex and your kids Ascendant or Sun, for example, or connections between you and your mentors Vertex. Chiron is a comet-asteroid that orbits between Saturn and Uranus, and indicates our soul-wound on our natal chart (read more about natal Chiron here ). 1, Destinys Gate or Vertex, the Electric Axis, this CafeAstrology summarizes the Vertex in the signs, This Labyrinthos article explains all the planets, how does the Vertex factor into a composite chart, When Bren Brown interviewed Drs. . Below that, click the light gray hyperlink labelled Extended Settings and check to display aspects for "Vertex.. 1. VERTEX IN CAPRICORN > Destiny process themes include duty and overcoming, . REMEMBER, the Vertex in synastry might illustrate a gravitational pull, or feeling that this person is important to where youre heading in your life, but doesnt necessarily mean that your destined paths will align, only that you are engaging in a fated interaction. , SUN-MOON TRANSITS TO THE VERTEX > Transits to the Vertex from the luminaries, the Moon and Sun, happen once a month and once a year. The Vertex is also referred to as the Destiny Point or Destinys Gate, because of its reputation for culminate into destiny and personal ascendency. My vertex is conjunct both mercury and jupiter. ). Your Insightful March 2023 Numerology Forecast, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for March 6 12, 2023. . while the Anti-Vertex is considered a second Descendant. ALSO, do you have any planets conjunct your Anti-Vertex, such as I? Partner As Ascendant will be on the left-hand side, where the Ascendant angle and First House are usually located on a chart. The Anti-vertex point in your own chart shows more of YOUR contribution to your life and your fate, in that sense. . Your self-esteem can grow in many ways, and you can find greater value in yourself. RECALL THE THEME (ZODIAC SIGN) AND EXPERIENCES (HOUSE PLACEMENT) OF YOUR OWN VERTEX and evaluate the same for your synastry partners chart. When a transit planet conjuncts your natal Vertex or Anti-Vertex, this can bring energy for something or someone fated. . , Likewhen astrologers joke about people taking cover on eclipse days, I thought it was the same as when theyre like, Ruh-roh, Mercurys about to Retrograde! (( said in a Scooby-Doo voice for some reason )), Not actually like, FATE. , AND TAKE HEART, because the Vertex is an ongoing process, just like the rest of your chart! Do you notice any blue planets, angles, or points nearby? In a synastry chart, youd look for aspects between each others Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Venus or Mars, as well as your Vertex (or anti-Vertex). Also, important meetings with destiny. Type in another persons birth data for Partner B. Peek at your Vertex placement (the chart wont display it, so locate it by sign and degree), and see if eclipses have ever factored into your destiny process! NOW, OBSERVE start with your own chart. My mission: teaching shy, starry-eyed witches to become the Babe with the Power with astrology how-to's, oracle Q&As, + super-cute necromancy-themed stationery. It can effectively manage feelings of restlessness, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, and feeling irritable. [deleted] 2 yr. ago. Read more of my solipsistic astrology tutorials , subscribe for email updates , or shop for personalized horoscopes! Donna Henson, The Vertex Report: Your Personal Destiny. Partner As planets + points will be displayed in the vertical column on the left-hand side, while Partner Bs planets + points will be displayed in the horizontal column across the top. this would mean the anti-vertex is almost always in between the 11th and 2nd houses, all of those houses which are . Type in your birth data: time, date, location. Oh, and you can learn more about the concept of rulers (a.k.a. ALSO, this is crucial not everyone wants or cares about synchronicity, about woo things that happen in coincidence with astronomical phenomena that might be interpreted via metaphor, analogy, and symbolism (a.k.a. Youd probably feel thunderstruck by coinciding events if an eclipse strikes your Vertex, like literally, which is how EYE felt. This right-hand hemisphere (containing the Descendent angle) is known as the fate half of our chart, while the left hemisphere (containing the Ascendent angle) is considered the freewill half. The Inner Wheel, The Vertex versus the Nodes, Pt. VERTEX IN GEMINI > Destiny process themes include personal integration, mental or telepathic connections, and being in like-minded relationships. Vertex shares were down 20% to $217.91, a blow for a stock that has risen 24% year to date. In astrology, the Ascendant represents the starting line of the natal chart, demarcating the end of the Twelfth House (Secrets, the Subconscious Mind, and Past Life Baggage) from the First House (Identity, Persona, and Appearance). If so, there was probably a correlating encounter or event. Once youve calculated your astrology Vertex, you want to know what it means! Was it a transit? This post shows you how to start reading your natal chart, but youll need to come back here to find out how to look up your Vertex. SO maybe the Watcher really is some primordial, original self, the piece most interested in what we make of our existence, and how we manage to fulfill our wishes and longings with the events, circumstances, and people available to us? The Inner Wheel, Synastry Q & A: The Vertex. . pop culture happy hour producer anti vertex in 2nd house capricorn You can also choose whether to see transits or transits and progressions! This results in minor irritations that could eventually develop into big problems such as health or financial concerns. I meanis telling a stranger they were part of a a visual hallucination you experienced similar to telling them about your dreams last night, or what a pop song means to you? Whats useful about this story is how changeability entwines with the ripe moment. . AS A REFRESHER, this Labyrinthos article explains all the planets, which you can compare to this one from! Scan the rest of the chart for the letters ASC to locate where Partner Bs Ascendant has landed. , IF NOT, or if you have any other planets aspecting the Destiny Point in your chart, youll have to do a little Google-snooping to figure out how that might color your fateful meetings and encounters. NEXT, locate the Ascendants. (The intersection in the west forms the vertex. Astrology Vertex Calculator, Free Online Anti You absolutely need to know your birth time in order to determine your Vertex, as it is just as time-sensitive as the Ascendant. JUPITER-SATURN TRANSITS TO THE VERTEX > Transits to the Vertex from the Social Planets are much longer lasting, and more formative. Inventory everything about that day, or the few days around that time. As such, if conjunctions to the Anti-Vertex occur in synastry, this person may become a significant part of your ?inner world. His VERTEX (destiny) conjunct my ASCENDENT (identity threshold) in SCORPIO (intimacy). To start with, the Vertex is linked to fate, specifically fated encounters and events. A potentially game-changing candidate faces a delay. AND BEFORE WE BEGIN, let me better explain the Vertex and Destiny Point. Vertex in Capricorn is all about the obligations and responsibilities that come into your life which become heavier as time passes. . THIRD, BE ADVISED: THE WATCHER HAS COME ONLINE. This powerful energy can be felt by all, regardless of our. . . WHAT SHOULD I KNOW ABOUT TRANSITS TO MY ANTI-VERTEX? Changes with regards to a partner's finances may affect the native seriously. A wide selection of horoscope types, house systems, asteroids, etc. I absolutely recommend using an online calculator to calculate your Vertex location (its way too difficult for anyone who isnt an astrologer or mathematician to do by hand, and luckily there are plenty of free calculators online that will calculate your Vertex for you). NOTE > The Outer Planets move hellllla slow, and may not ever transit your Vertex (OR Anti-Vertex) in this lifetime, but if they do, the situations will feel far bigger than you or any other single individual. , IN A TRANSIT CHART > You can cast charts for upcoming transits, estimating when (+ where) your Vertex might get tripped. HINT 2 > Click the hyperlink above the chart itself labelled Aspect tables, and scan the columns labelled Vx. While the Vertex depends on other people (being on the relationship, fated portion of the birth chart), the sign and house placement of our Anti-Vertex speaks to what we cultivate on our own, the abilities, themes, and experiences that eventually lead into our destined moments. You have to learn how to stand out and be comfortable with getting attention for your talents and what you can create. This could happen natally or it could happen through a contact with another whose Saturn squares my Vertex angle. March 2023 brings us the energy of the Universal Month 1, a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. You may have difficulty expressing your emotional needs to the people you are close to. Without documentation (via compulsive journaling and solipsistic quasi-literary projects such as this, hi, hello ), its very difficult to match up circumstances and events to your transit-trigger moments! His Vertex hadnt been activated though, just mine. North Node Capricorn 8th House / South Node Cancer 2nd House. SO, try inventorying the other transits in place at the time of your activation, and getting super acquainted with the story lines in your birth chart. With your astrology Vertex in Pisces, this may show youre fated to become a master of intuition. Creativity may be strong for you, and you can shine when you embrace this part of yourself. Spiritual awakenings and journeys are amazing and. Vertex and Anti-Vertex (VX, AVX) are fictional points that represent two intersections of the Ecliptic and the Prime vertical. This might even explain how one person can feel as though the other person contributes something meaningful to their life, even if the relationship itself is not very easy, or doesnt have a purpose or function outside of this contribution. in (the sign) in (the house). So, note any other exact aspects being formed by other planets, which you can spot by clicking the gray tab located over the chart display labelled Aspects Tables, which grids out all the aspects for you. You might walk around carrying the charge, but it needs and wants to be grounded. Just like when it comes to calculating your birth chart, you will need your full birth date, including your time of birth, as well as the location wherein you were born. , THUS, a Vertex activation delivers on its symbolic promise (to instigate a change in consciousness) as long as the charge it creates gets grounded into a situation that serves your ultimate ascent (as described by your Vertex placement). The Anti-Vertex represents the other half of destinys gate, and can also be activated by transits and other peoples planets. With your astrology Vertex in Gemini, this may show youre fated to be an excellent communicator or to have a strong way of expressing yourself. , BTW, THE VERTEX IS ALSO KNOWN AS THE WISH POINT > Some astrologers also refer the Vertex as the Wish Point, because Vertex transits are reported to come on the heels of actual wishes: for a new life, new love, new purpose. VERTEX IN SCORPIO > Destiny process themes include depth, intimacy, unwavering commitment, and relationships based on intense shared experiences. Dont have rose-colored glasses with the Vertex! FIRST, DETERMINE THE SOURCE AND TYPE OF ACTIVATION. Pull up a copy of your natal chart. . The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 0.3%. ). You may create an incredible home and family life and can be seen as a parental figure to many. . SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER FOR THE FULL SECRET SCOOP . and the baristas hypothetical birth chart did serve as a useful proxy for deep-learning astrology (always a great career and relationship move ). You can save the other connections for a deeper-dive later on (again, heres my synastry tutorial when youre ready ). ? The Vertex and anti-Vertex: these are important points of fate like the Moon's nodes. When a transit planet conjuncts your natal Vertex or Anti-Vertex, this can bring energy for something or someone fated. Gemini/Sagittarius . Did you record the original meeting date in a journal or in an agenda? Have you both ever discussed what you individually believe youre fated for, and what you individually believe the other person contributes to that fate? This Astro-Seek calculator lets you calculate aspects formed to your Vertex by transiting planets: just enter your birth data, select a planet from the first drop down menu, a type of aspect* from the second, and Vertex from the third. These could be job interviews, exams, stage performances, etc. TO USE IT, plug in your birth data, and select any planet from the dropdown menu labelled Transit. With your astrology Vertex in Cancer, this may show youre fated to become a strong nurturer and supporter of those you care about. , If keywords dont zap to mind as youre doing this exercise, you just need more astrology reading, and are literally remedying that by being here right now, so were helping each other out! , OKAY, THATS THE JIST OF IT, NOW HERES WHAT I THINK HAPPENED, REMINDER > The 2021 Gemini Solar Eclipse occurred at 19 Gemini, in a 2-3 orb of my Vertex-Chiron (rad). The vertex/anti-vertex by sign can signify the way we may experience activation to this axis. INFLUENCE > How would you articulate or describe the role or influence you each play in others goals, ambitions, or sense of purpose? Note the zodiac sign on the outer rim of the chart, and confirm the house number between the spokes at center. SEXTILES TO THE VERTEX ARE TRINES TO THE ANTI-VERTEX > These planets offer an opportunity to develop your higher qualities, while flexing your already developed qualities. When activated by transits or synastry, depending on the planet making the contact, our Vertex indicates the theme (zodiac sign) and experiences (house) of fateful encounters and destined feeling moments. North Node Capricorn 1st House / South Node Cancer 7th House. Thx. This post can show you a full out tutorial for scoring and reading transit charts, but if you want to grab one real quick, hit up the Astro-Seek Transit Chart Calculator, enter your birth data, select a date*, then hit calculate transits. Likeyou might be wishing for skills, talents, or gifts you sense rattling around inside, and also feel you cant access, When the Vertex is activated, that access point is unveiled. ), THIS KINDA FASCINATES ME, BECAUSE MY MOMS TWO MARRIAGES WERE WITH PEOPLE WHO HAD THE SAME BIRTHDAY, BUT DIFFERENT YEARS > Every now and again, I speak with people who have had two (and sometimes more) significant others with the same birth date, but different years. Related article: Do You Have Empty Houses in Your Birth Chart? And Julie Gottmans description of their first meeting (at the Pony Espresso cafe ) totally freaking sounds like a Vertex activation moment! These connections might tell you if someone is meant to be in your life, and how they support your ultimate destiny. , IN A SYNASTRY CHART > A synastry chart is created by overlaying one natal chart over another, and lining them up according to zodiac signs.
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