dixie classic gun show

[ "price":"10.00", "performer":[ "name":"Wilmington/Castle Hayne Gun Show", } Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Dixie Gun Knife Classic Gun Shows of Raleigh, NC. { "@type":"Organization", "validThrough":"2023-06-18" "location":{ "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pubpqe194412c9hh8on2krha.jpg", } { "contactType":"customer service", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", The Dixie Classic Chevy Club's purpose is to promote the ownership, preservation, and restoration of the 1955, '56, and '57 Chevrolet cars and trucks, as well as associated literature, novelties, and related items. } "address":{ Lobby, 3-L03; NC Herpetological Society, Expo Bldg., 3-U08; NC Trappers Assoc., Expo Bldg. { ], "@type":"Event", "address":{ This Fayetteville gun show is held at Crown Expo Center and hosted by C&E Gun Shows. "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", searches at once. "@type":"Event", This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. } "name":"6 Shooters Greensboro Gun Show", "location":{ { ], "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1frio4s681h8v1ji6km3ti61ovja.jpg", "endDate":"2023-03-19", "telephone":"+1-252-745-5647", "offers":[ "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pubpqe194412c9hh8on2krha.jpg", *Youth divisions are for trophies taken in NC by hunters 15 years old and under. "url":"http://www.ncgunshows.com" "addressRegion":"NC", "availability":"InStock", ], "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1frio4s681h8v1ji6km3ti61ovja.jpg", } { ] } } "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f7j7bpec1k381dr645rfdfa88c.jpg", "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", "priceCurrency":"USD", "name":"S&D Show Promotions, Inc.", "startDate":"2023-07-22", PLEASE NOTE: Events listed here may be canceled due to Coronavirus. "validFrom":"2023-03-04", Straight Shooters Enterprises (812) 498-3833 straightshootersenterprises@yahoo.com ], "validFrom":"2023-03-04", "@type":"Offer", "telephone":"+1-540-953-0016", "offers":[ "category":"primary", } ] [ All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "name":"Winston Salem Fairgrounds", "name":"C&E Hickory Gun Show", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "contactType":"customer service", "startDate":"2023-07-15", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "name":"6 Shooters Gun Shows", "validThrough":"2023-05-28" "startDate":"2023-06-03", "priceCurrency":"USD", "addressRegion":"NC", "name":"The Carolina Trader", "category":"primary", "offers":[ ] The Dixie Classic Gun and Knife Trader's Show currently has no upcoming dates scheduled in Richmond, VA. "contactPoint":[ "offers":[ "streetAddress":"1960 13th Ave. Dr. "contactPoint":[ "telephone":"+1-252-745-5647", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/6-Shooters-Gun-Show-Salisbury", "priceCurrency":"USD", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pubpqe194412c9hh8on2krha.jpg", } "name":"NC State Fairgrounds", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/6-Shooters-Denton-Military-and-Gun-Show;", ], "location":{ This Richmond gun show is held at Greater Richmond Convention Center and hosted by C&E Gun Shows. 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"name":"NC State Fairgrounds", "priceCurrency":"USD", ] "startDate":"2023-04-15", ", "addressCountry":"United States" "validFrom":"2023-03-04", "priceCurrency":"USD", "streetAddress":"1960 13th Ave. Dr. ], "addressCountry":"United States" "validThrough":"2023-06-11" "offers":[ "@type":"Place", This Concord gun show is held at Cabarrus Arena & Events Center and hosted by C&E Gun Shows. ], } { } "offers":[ "contactType":"customer service", } "contactPoint":[ "name":"S&D Show Promotions, Inc.", [ "@type":"Event", "validThrough":"2023-03-19" North Carolina State Fairgrounds. 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"url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Asheville-Gun-Show", "price":"9.00", } Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2af3b8393f8cd6 "streetAddress":"702 Pine Grove Drive", "price":"10.00", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "@type":"Offer", "@type":"Organization", ", } "availability":"InStock", ], "name":"C&E Gun Shows", "endDate":"2023-04-23", { "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Salisbury-Gun-an-Knife-Show;", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "name":"Magnetic Marketing", "availability":"InStock", { "addressLocality":"Raleigh", "availability":"InStock", Admission-Hours 2022 WINNERS! "url":"http://www.cegunshows.com" , "name":"Mike Kent & Associates (MK Shows)", } "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pubpqe194412c9hh8on2krha.jpg", "priceCurrency":"USD", ], { "@type":"Offer", [ All federal and local firearm laws and ordinances must be obeyed. "address":{ { { [ } "streetAddress":"4285 Trinity Rd", "contactType":"customer service", "validThrough":"2023-08-20" [ "validFrom":"2023-03-04", Please choose at least one field to search on or you may browse a state by using the links below the form. ", "contactType":"customer service", "name":"Cabarrus Arena & Events Center", "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", } "@context":"http://schema.org", "name":"6 Shooters Gun Shows", "@type":"Event", "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f7j7bpec1k381dr645rfdfa88c.jpg", One of our goals, since the inception of the Dixie Deer Classic in 1981, is to compile an accurate record of the largest deer taken in North Carolina. "name":"Denton Farmpark", { ], "name":"6 Shooters Pitt County Gun Show (Greenville)", ", ], } "name":"Crown Expo Center", "contactType":"customer service", ] "description":"S&D Wilmington Gun & Knife Show will be held on Mar 11th - 12th, 2023 in Wilmington, NC. 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"name":"S&D Show Promotions, Inc.", } "endDate":"2023-03-12", "areaServed":"USA" "@type":"Organization", "contactPoint":[ } "name":"Western North Carolina Agricultural Center", "description":"C&E Fayetteville Gun Show will be held on Jun 3rd - 4th, 2023 in Fayetteville, NC. and hosted by C&E Gun Shows. } } { http://dixiegunandknifeshow.com/raleigh.html Categories: Security & Defense "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/CE-Hickory-Gun-Show", [ "organizer":[ ", } "offers":[ "addressRegion":"NC", ] "address":{ "telephone":"+1-336-460-7350", "validFrom":"2023-03-04", Dixie Deer Classic Gun Show. "endDate":"2023-08-27", "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", "contactType":"customer service", "telephone":"+1-919-781-1287", "@type":"Offer", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "availability":"InStock", "contactType":"customer service", Among the winners this year from Yadkin County was 12-year old Reece Jones of East Bend. ], "category":"primary", ], There are no upcoming shows for this promoter in the system "name":"Asheville Gun & Knife Show", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/6-Shooters-Gun-Show-Asheboro", ] "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Jacksonville-Gun-Show;", "name":"New Bern Gun Show", } "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", "price":"7.00", "priceCurrency":"USD", { "@type":"ContactPoint", "@type":"Place", "category":"primary", "url":"http://www.ncgunshows.com" , "@context":"http://schema.org", "@type":"Organization", "@context":"http://schema.org", This Hickory gun show is held at Hickory Metro Convention Center and hosted by C&E Gun Shows. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. } "telephone":"+1-336-460-7350", "description":"C&E Hickory Gun Show will be held on Sep 9th - 10th, 2023 in Hickory, NC. 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"url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Asheville-Gun-Show;", "@type":"Organization", "description":"Asheville Gun & Knife Show will be held on Apr 29th - 30th, 2023 in Fletcher, NC. "addressCountry":"United States" "addressCountry":"United States" "name":"Magnetic Marketing", { "validFrom":"2023-03-04", "postalCode":"28602", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", All federal and local firearm laws and ordinances must be obeyed. "url":"https://www.thecarolinatrader.com/pages/military-shows" , ] ], } This Greenville gun show is held at Greenville Convention Center and hosted by S&D Show Promotions, Inc.. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. } "organizer":[ "location":{ "areaServed":"USA" "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1frio4s681h8v1ji6km3ti61ovja.jpg", "price":"9.00", } } "url":"https://www.cegunshows.com/about-us.html" , "price":"10.00", "offers":[ "@type":"Organization", "description":"C&E Concord Gun Show will be held on Jul 15th - 16th, 2023 in Concord, NC. "@type":"Organization", { "streetAddress":"1301 Fanning Bridge Rd", "location":{ All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. 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"url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Wilmington-Castle-Hayne-Gun-Show"} ], } // When the user clicks on the button, scroll to the top of the document "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1frio4s681h8v1ji6km3ti61ovja.jpg", ], "price":"10.00", "telephone":"+1-919-781-1287", ", 2021 carolina classic fair 2021 dixie classic fair 2021 fair 2021 winston-salem fair 2022 carolina classic fair 2022 events in winston-salem 2022 fair 2022 fair winston-salem 2022 winston-salem fair 3-2-1 Deacon Dash for Down Syndrome 5K . "name":"C&E Gun Shows", { } "address":{ All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. } "telephone":"+1-540-953-0016", "offers":[ Using keywords is optional. )", "startDate":"2023-08-26", "contactType":"customer service", "availability":"InStock", "category":"primary", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/NC-Guns-Greenville-Gun-Show", "@context":"http://schema.org", ] ], "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "url":"http://www.ncgunshows.com" , "description":"6 Shooters Kings Mountain Gun Show will be held on Mar 25th - 26th, 2023 in Kings Mountain, NC. "offers":[ "offers":[ "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Asheville-Gun-Show;", ] [ Fletcher, NC. "priceCurrency":"USD", } "name":"S&D Show Promotions, Inc.", { ", "location":{ "streetAddress":"1960 13th Ave. Dr. "streetAddress":"5301 Holly Shelter Rd", } "category":"primary", ie: First Saturday. "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", City officials in Winston-Salem voted to rename the event because, for some, Dixie . "streetAddress":"702 Pine Grove Drive", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1frio4s681h8v1ji6km3ti61ovja.jpg", "name":"Mike Kent & Associates (MK Shows)", Upcoming Shows For Dixie Gun & Knife Show Classic. "areaServed":"USA" "address":{ "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pubpqe194412c9hh8on2krha.jpg", ], "@type":"Offer", "performer":[ "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/CE-Fayetteville-Gun-Show;", { { } "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/6-Shooters-Indian-Trails-Gun-Show;", We expanded our model years to include classic Chevys through 1972. "url":"http://www.cegunshows.com" } "url":"https://6shows.com" , "validThrough":"2023-05-21" } 800 gun tables. "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/CE-Capital-City-Gun-Show-Raleigh;", "validFrom":"2023-03-04", Barrel Racing Event - the Annual Dixie Classic 2D Barrel Futurity & Open 5D will be held in Hurricane, Utah in March 2023. } "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/6-Shooters-Selma-Gun-Show;", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/CE-Capital-City-Gun-Show-Raleigh", { "@type":"ContactPoint", } "@type":"Organization", { "organizer":[ { "streetAddress":"414 Deacon Blvd. "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/CE-Concord-NC-Gun-Show", { } "addressRegion":"NC", "@type":"Place", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", { "organizer":[ "contactType":"customer service", } "name":"6 Shooters Gun Shows", "@type":"Place", "addressLocality":"Fletcher", "address":{ "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pubpqe194412c9hh8on2krha.jpg", "name":"S&D Show Promotions, Inc.", "areaServed":"USA" "@type":"Offer", { "telephone":"+1-540-953-0016", { { "@type":"ContactPoint", "endDate":"2023-04-30", "url":"http://www.ncgunshows.com" "performer":[ "telephone":"+1-770-630-7296", mybutton.style.display = "none"; "@type":"Organization", "price":"15.00", "areaServed":"USA" "price":"8.00", "addressCountry":"United States" { "@type":"Offer", "availability":"InStock", ", } "areaServed":"USA" "url":"http://www.ncgunshows.com" , "description":"S&D Wilmington Gun & Knife Show will be held on Apr 29th - 30th, 2023 in Wilmington, NC. 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"priceCurrency":"USD", "addressRegion":"NC", ], } } "@context":"http://schema.org", } "name":"C&E Gun Shows", Our 2023 catalog has the world's largest selection of blackpowder replica arms, accessories, antique parts, muzzleloader hunting and sport shooting equipment. "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/NC-Guns-Greenville-Gun-Show;", "description":"Greenville Gun Show will be held on Mar 25th - 26th, 2023 in Greenville, NC. "organizer":[ "name":"Dixie Gun & Knife Show", "location":{ "name":"6 Shooters Gun Shows", "endDate":"2023-07-23", "category":"primary", "endDate":"2023-08-20", ], "areaServed":"USA" The Dixie Classic has 131 years under its belt, and has a rank of second largest agricultural fair in North Carolina, but this fair came from humble beginnings. } "@context":"http://schema.org", } } } "@type":"Event", "organizer":[ "@type":"Organization", "description":"New Bern Gun Show will be held on Jun 17th - 18th, 2023 in New Bern, NC. "address":{ "url":"https://6shows.com/gun-shows" "validThrough":"2023-07-09" "price":"10.00", ], "organizer":[ } "endDate":"2023-03-12", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "name":"6 Shooters Gun Shows", "url":"https://6shows.com" , "validFrom":"2023-03-04", [ "availability":"InStock", "telephone":"+1-252-745-5647", "price":"10.00", "endDate":"2023-05-21", "@type":"Organization",

Accident In Bedfont Yesterday, Danganronpa Splash Art Commission, Articles D

dixie classic gun show