The Highway Rules, Section 2-02(k) contains additional information. They shall not be in a stand alone subset. Jamaica, NY 11435 The applicant must obtain CGL insurance policies written by companies that may lawfully issue such policies, with an A.M. Best rating of at least A-VII or a Standard & Poor's rating of at least AA. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPLUATED HEREIN. Applicants must first submit an Emergency Street Opening Permit Form. Coordinating street work in accordance with the principles of this section will help to minimize delays and disruption to road users, businesses and residents and help extend the useful life of city streets. TWO SPEED REDUCERS ARE LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Fax: (718) 816-9194 2 HOURS BEFORE UNTIL 2 HOURS AFTER ALL YANKEE HOME GAMES ALL MOVEMENTS INTO AND OUT OF THE SITE ARE RESTRICTED ALONG EXTERIOR STREET. For Holds: (718) 222-7231 (212) 839-2430 ON STIP WAGE02), WORK NORTHBOUND 7AM-4PM M-F AND 9AM-6PM SAT/SUN. OFFICE. (212) 839-8856, The Bronx FULL WIDTH OF SIDEWALK SHALL BE OPENED TO PEDESTRIANS WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED EXCEPT FOR CONCRETE CURING WHEN THAT PORTION OF THE SIDEWALK MAY REMAIN CLOSED PROVIDED ALL OTHER STIPULATIONS ON THIS PERMIT ARE COMPLIED WITH. BUG Ratings DOT Street Lighting evaluates LED luminaires using the IES BUG (Backlight, Uplight, and Glare) rating system as part of its specifications. Applicants should contact the NYC DOT Plan Examination Unit (PEU) of the Permit Office to initiate the application process and to determine specific requirements for a permit and a license, if required. Applications for NYC DOT vault permits are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All other inquiries: (718) 222-7207 The Office of Construction Mitigation and Coordination (OCMC) reviews all construction permit applications and develops construction activity, Completed Permittee Registration Application. Additionally, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) conduit, a more cost-effective material that is not susceptible to corrosion from residual salt water after storm surge events, is replacing galvanized steel for all signal locations and street light locations in flood-vulnerable areas. They are accessible for the few years before September 2015, and for thelettings since September 2015. THIS PERMIT INCLUDES ALL WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF TREE PITS/STORM WATER CATCHMENTS. The Department of Transportation (DOT) maintains and installs New York City parking regulation signs. At the HIQA borough office, applicants will be given a Canopy Authorization Application (. Special Treatment Projects (STP) hold Any permits issued to work in areas that have a special treatment such as Times Square, Madison Square, Herald Square and other pedestrian plaza areas are automatically placed on hold. An EAN is required for each utility access cover opening at a location, provided that the work is performed around the clock until the emergency is eliminated, at which time the EAN expires. Find community presentations. Fax: 212-720-3219, Manhattan FULL WIDTH OF ROADWAY NOT REQUIRED DURING CONCRETE CURING PERIOD. Interpreting Parking or Traffic Sign or Regulation Locate Parking Signs on Specific Streets Parking Sign Fact Sheet Parking in a School Zone Parking Rules School Bus Parking Any definitions found in existing federal, state or city laws, rules and regulations take precedence as the official and legal definitions. The Poles and Luminaires chart identifies which combinations of poles and luminaires are permitted. A NYCDEP BIOSWALE/STORMWATER GREENSTREET IS LOCATED ON THIS STREET. WORK 7PM TO 11PM MON. MICROSTATION SHEET MODELS. Visit the DEC website at the following address to determine the appropriate contact, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Bus Operations In addition to the application procedures for the four categories of permit types, there are some situations or street conditions that require special procedures. Connecticut Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering Email: In calendar year 2018 NYC DOT processed more than 700,000 construction permits. ONE ADDITIONAL LANE ADJACENT TO THE ENCLOSED WORK ZONE MAY OCCUR 12:01 AM - 5 AM NIGHTLY WITH NO NOISE OPERATIONS. THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RESTORATION OF CUT CONFINED TO WITHIN 8 FEET OF THE CURB LINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NYCDOT RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR PROTECTED STREETS. If the proposed location may be suitable, HIQA performs an inspection in order to confirm its suitability. IN AREAS WHERE A FENCE/BARRICADE USAGE IS PERMITTED THE FENCE/BARRICADE CANNOT OBSTRUCT, RESTRICT OR COMPROMISE THE SIGHT LINES OF PERDESTRIAN/VEHICULAR INTERFACE. DURING RESTORATION SAW CUTTING IS REQUIRED AS PER DRAWING H-1042A, THE PERMITTEE IS NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER, OCCUPY OR USE ANY PUBLICLY-OWNED OR PRIVATELY OWNED, NON-PAVED, LANDSCAPED OR NON-LANDSCAPED LOCATION WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN PERMISSION. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL HIQA BOROUGH OFFICE BEFORE THE FINAL RESTORATION STARTS SO THAT HIQA CAN MONITOR THE WORK. To this end, the Street Works Manual is a resource for all parties that perform work in New York City streets, from utilities and contractors installing, replacing and repairing underground infrastructure to developers replacing roadways and sidewalks adjacent to building sites and homeowners performing their own sidewalk repairs. To release a VLT hold, the Permit Offices Plan Examination Unit must be contacted. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Chapter 2 describes processes and tools to enhance advance planning and coordination of street work between NYC DOT's own capital resurfacing and reconstruction programs and the street infrastructure work of other stakeholders, especially those that perform a large number of street excavations. During the processing of the permit, if there is a hold, the applicant is notified of the type of hold and the steps the applicant must take to release the hold. Who has exhibited a pattern of disregard for the rules or orders of NYC DOT or the terms or conditions of permits issued by NYC DOT or for other applicable law. NYC DOT hosts borough-level meetings to discuss the scheduling of upcoming resurfacing projects with utility companies and other potential street excavators. A permit is not required to install, repave, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk where the work involves an area of less than 25 square feet, unless the purpose of the work is to remove a violation. These policies and the Manual's presentation of permit procedures are designed to deliver higher quality street surfaces, fewer transportation capacity reductions and a more efficient construction environment to the people and businesses of New York City. At crossings, the height of Accessible Pedestrian Signals must be reachable by a person using a mobility device, at a preferred height of 42 inches and a maximum height of 48 inches (see, Existing foundations at traffic signal locations in certain flood-vulnerable areas are being replaced with coastal storm foundations that incorporate a square concrete pedestal raising the electrical components above some flood depths. Permits may be voided and reissued only within three business days of issuance. Additional requirements are contained in Sections 2-02 and 2-11 of the Highway Rules and should be consulted before any work is performed on the street. The applicant must satisfy all of the requirements listed in section 2-02(a) (3) of the. All addresses must be the same on all above referenced documents. FULL SIDEWALK CLOSURE ALLOWED FOR SIDE WALKS LESS THAN 15 FT WIDE. Appendix ACommon Permit Types and Documents Needed, Appendix DOther Agency and Utility Contact Information, DOB BUILDER'S PAVEMENT PLAN (BPP) AUTHORIZATION FORM, (Initial submission only) CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATIONAL SIGN REQUIRED PER DOT HWY RULE SEC 2-02(C) 4 & 5. BACKFILL/COMPACT IN 12 INCH LIFTS. APPROVAL FROM NYCDOT HIQA BOROUGH OFFICE IS REQUIRED BEFORE WORK COMMENCES. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Staten Island SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. New York, NY 10013 A Certificate of Insurance may be provided as proof of insurance coverage only if accompanied by a certification form by the insurance broker or insurance company attesting to the accuracy of the coverage described on the certificate. A dismissal inspection is always required to close out a violation. Listed in the following paragraphs are some of the requirements for canopy authorizations and permits. If the applicant plans to construct a new vault or enlarge an existing vault, PEU will refer the applicant to NYC DOT's Office of Franchises, Concessions and Revocable Consents for a vault license. FIVE OR MORE SPEED REDUCERS ARE LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. Any given permit or permittee may be subject to one or more holds. RESTORATION OF ROADWAY WHICH HAS RED COLORED BUS LANE MARKING MUST BE RESTORED AS FOLLOWS: FOUR COATS OF TERACOTTA #103856 RIDE-A-WAY COATING MATER'L MFG'D BY INTERGRATED PAVING CONCEPTS INC OR EQUIVALENT. SIDEWALK RESTORATION AT THIS LOCATION REQUIRES SIDEWALK STANDARD 4.13C. "Base course" refers to the layer of material below the wearing course. 1 Bronx River Parkway THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CURB TO CURB RESTORATION AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. For questions, Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM. Upon receipt of the above and verification for completeness, a Sidewalk Repair Permit will be issued and mailed to the applicant. WORK ALLOWED 8 AM TO 4 PM SATURDAY. CGL insurance. PROJECT COORDINATED THROUGH PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITY FOR PILOT PROGRAM. APPROVAL FROM NYCDOT HIQA BOROUGH OFFICE IS REQUIRED BEFORE WORK COMMENCES. THIS STIP IS USED FOR WORK IN A TRAVEL LANE. Concrete (CON) hold All permits issued to work on concrete portions of the roadway are automatically placed on hold until a HIQA inspector performs an inspection of the work site to establish existing conditions before work begins. When utility company representatives mark a location, they use colored flags and/or paint to identify the type of underground service: Streets can hide a complex infrastructure of underground utilities. Kew Gardens, NY 11424 Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Manhattan WORK 7 PM FRIDAY TO 6 AM MONDAY AND 7 PM-6 AM WEEKNIGHTS. The NYC Street Works Manual describes policies governing work on city streets, and presents procedures for notice, approval and execution of such work. 144-06 94th Avenue, Main Floor Where applicable, an applicant must submit an original Permit Bond to the Permit Office at the time of permit issuance to cover all costs and expenses that may be incurred by the city as a result of the activity for which the permit is issued or for the purpose of otherwise safeguarding the interests of the city. PEU also accepts applications to abandon existing vaults that are no longer in use. All active permits in the affected area(s) are suspended during the dates and times of the embargo period and no new permits may be approved, unless a waiver for the work is granted by OCMC. All Street Opening permit types usually allow for work within 300 linear feet by a width of 12 feet. The Protected Streets Listing consists of four separate files, each covering all five boroughs: All streets on the "Active/Future" lists show the anticipated start date of the project. (See Chapter 4, Section 4.5 Street Construction Inspections and Enforcement regarding the circumstances in which summonses/NOVs may be issued.). The fee for reissuance may be found in Section 2-03 of the Highway Rules. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. LOADING AND UNLOADING, STANDING OR PARKING IN A LANE ADJACENT TO THE WORK ZONE IN THE ROADWAY IS PROHIBITED. A HIQA inspector must be present during the restoration. Effective 8/5/19 Closed until Further Notice 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor Fax: (718) 858-0069, Manhattan The contact information and hours of operation for all Permit Offices can be found in Appendix C, NYC DOT Contact Information. By eliminating manual steps, most permit requests now may be approved and issued within 1-2 business days. If a private homeowner is applying for a Sidewalk Repair Permit, and will be making the repair by himself/herself, the homeowner may apply for a permit by mail. ON STIP 109). This section describes the application and review process for obtaining approvals to construct or repair vaults under the sidewalks of New York City streets. There is a central Permit Office in Manhattan and borough Permit Offices in each of the other boroughs. AS A CONDITION OF THIS PERMIT A CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FAMILIAR WITH THIS PROJECT IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND WEEKLY TUESDAY MEETINGS AT 115 BROADWAY 5TH FL OF THE L.M.C.C.C. Long Island City, NY 11101 MUST COORDINATE WITH RESIDENT ENGINEER NYSDOT MR.WONG AT 718-499-7075 PRIOR TO WORK. NYC ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 19-142, WORKERS ON EXCAVATIONS: A PERSON TO WHOM A PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED, TO USE OR OPEN A STREET, SHALL BE REQUIRED, BEFORE SUCH PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED, TO AGREE THAT NONE BUT COMPETENT WORKERS, SKILLED IN THE WORK REQUIRED OF THEM, SHALL BE EMPLOYED THEREON, (CONT. The permittee may apply for a renewal online, or in-person by accessing either theApplication to Renew Permitsor theApplication to Renew Governmental Permit(s). SIGNS SHALL BE POSTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL M.U.T.C.D.MANUAL. Excavators use those markings to help identify underground facility locations in order to promote public safety and to prevent damage to public and private property. (16 NYCRR Part 753), Additional information can be obtained by contacting New York 811 at 800-272-4480, or visiting the New York 811 Website. WHEN POSTING SIGNS ON TREES ONLY ELASTIC BANDS MAY BE USED. Outlined below are the basic application procedures for Street Opening Permits. New York State Department of Transportation coordinates operation of transportation facilities and services including highway, bridges, railroad, mass transit, port, waterway and aviation facilities . ONLY FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION FOR SPECIAL EVENTS. ALL OVERDIMENSIONAL CRANE/TRAILERS REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL PERMIT FROM THE NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF BRIDGES. Brooklyn If the applicant makes any changes to these authorized representative(s), he or she must update the Permittee Registration Application. PERMITTEE MUST EMAIL DEP AT. Department of Transportation MAY STORE TOOL CART IN PARKING LANE DURING NON-WORKING HOURS. Worker's Compensation Insurance. Permittees can use these maps to make informed decisions while planning new projects. See, Utilize recycled content in paving materials. One Fordham Plaza, 5th Fl. Suspension of Application Review NYC DOT may suspend the review of applications for permits pending: Refusal to Issue Permit NYC DOT may refuse to issue a permit to an applicant: Voiding and Reissuing of Permits. (212) 839-8857 A Sidewalk Violation will be removed if the work has been satisfactorily completed. The following are laws, rules, regulations, and design guidance documents that may be relevant to the design of streets. A separate permit is required for each construction-related activity, except where otherwise provided in the Highway Rules or by permit stipulations. Deleted or Superseded Standard Sheet documents are accessible through the links in the second table below. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Manhattan SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. SUCH SIGNS SHALL BE ORANGE,3'X3',DIAMOND SHAPE,WITH 4" BLACK LETTERING. MAY ALSO WORK SAT AND SUN 7 AM TO 6 PM, AS WELL AS NIGHTLY 10 PM TO 5 AM. Ride the Staten Island Ferry. In addition, the streets serve as the access point for the subsurface infrastructure that provides water, sewer, power, and telecommunications services for the city. This Manual was created and published by the NYC Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) with contributions from a wide array of professionals from city government and the design field. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Brooklyn The construction of any vault that extends beyond the curb must be authorized under a revocable consent agreement, as required in Section 2-13(c) of the Highway Rules, in addition to approval by PEU. Additional information regarding embargo periods is provided in Chapter 3, Section 3.6.2. NO LANE CLOSURES PERMITTED TWO HOURS PRIOR TO BARCLAYS CENTER EVENTS THROUGH TWO HOURS AFTER THE EVENT HAS ENDED. The CGL policy should provide coverage in the amount of no less than $1 million combined single limit per occurrence, except for applications for permits to place a crane on a street, which requires $3 million combined single limit per occurrence. PERMITTEE IS AUTHORIZED TO RESTRICT PARKING IN FRONT OF WRK ZONE & ALONG THE OPPOSITE CURB LN OF WRK ZONE USING NYPD PAPER SIGNS STATING DAY(S) OF WRK. Fax: (718) 965-7753 Restoration Once work in the street has been completed, permittees are required to restore the street excavation to provide a smooth riding surface. (212) 839-9561/9566 NYC DOT also routinely meets with utility companies and others who perform street excavations to inform these organizations of upcoming events and major construction projects with which NYC DOT is involved. THIS STIP IS USED FOR WORK THAT FALLS BETWEEN LANES AND REQUIRES THE CONTRACTOR TO RESTORE THE ROADWAY FROM 1' PAST THEIR RESTORATION TO THE NEAREST CURB FOR THE LENGTH OF THEIR WORK. It draws from a wide range of resources and experience to present a coherent set of choices for street design. The contact information and hours of operation can be found in Appendix C, NYC DOT Contact Information. If all information is satisfactory the applicant is approved and the system auto-generates an email which is sent to the applicant with the EAN. Special Notice: This edition was finalized before the state of emergency due to COVID-19; as city processes adapt in response to the crisis, they may temporarily differ from the guidance provided here. If the applicant does not accept the permit stipulations, he or she can request a review with the PM. SPECIFICATIONS. This category also covers installations above the street such as banners and decorative lights and permanent installations on the street such as bike racks. 120-55 Queens Boulevard (718) 391-1008 The applicant will be able to pick up the permit from the Permit Office in the borough in which the canopy is located upon payment of the appropriate fee. PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL IN WRITING 48 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK. Canopy permits are not transferable from person to person or from the location of original issue. Office hours: Applications accepted, only from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM; ALL SIDEWALKS IN C4-4 THROUGH C4-7, C5 & C6 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, AS DEFINED IN THE NYC ZONING RESOLUTION SHALL BE OF PIGMENTED CONCRETE WITH SAW-CUT JOINTS AS SET FORTH IN SEC. In addition, a second permit must be applied for to maintain the canopy. Customer Service: (718) 816-2300, The Bronx THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EXTENDED TRENCH MORE THAN REGULAR CUT-BACK AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. As of August 31, 2017, a new Holiday Embargo (HE) review process has replaced the previously used HE waiver request process used by NYCSTREETS. A one-time Street Opening Permit must also be obtained to install the poles that support the canopy. Weekly Milling and Resurfacing and Concrete Repair SchedulesNYC DOT weekly milling and resurfacing schedules are available online. Abuilding vault, as described in Section 2-13 of the Highway Rules, is any opening below the surface of the street that projects outside of the property line and is covered over, except for those openings: (1) used exclusively to access, by means of steps, the cellar or basement of any building; (2) used primarily for light and ventilation; (3) constructed or maintained by utility companies (including transformer vaults); and (4) which are subways, railroads and related structures. Permeable Interlocking Concrete Paver (PICP). Where certification is unobtainable from the manufacturer, certification by the installer may be submitted instead. DOT uses higher wattages on wide or commercial corridors and lower wattages on narrow or residential streets. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYC TRAFFIC PLANNING DIVISION TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKING PLANS FOR SPEED REDUCER INSTALLATION AND ANY SIGNAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE REDUCER. Customer Service: (718) 579-6920, Brooklyn